Long Hair/Helmet Issues:

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I was curious if anyone else has come up with any novel ways of dealing with long hair under our helmets/armor, but short of cutting it all off. Mine is particularly long and I thought about having it braided ala Wookie pelt and let it hang our from the rear of my helmet somehow. Anyone else find another way of dealing with it so that it doesn't make you hot and then get snagged or hung up in your armor? Thoughts?

I have long hair (it's to my mid-back) and I braid it with a leather thong. Braiding it shortens the length considerably and makes it managable when I'm out trooping. I haven't had it snagged on either my armour or my jet pack. The only problem is that with a braid, those that see it MAY think you female, not a problem for me but might be embarrasing if you're not.
I have long hair (it's to my mid-back) and I braid it with a leather thong. Braiding it shortens the length considerably and makes it managable when I'm out trooping. I haven't had it snagged on either my armour or my jet pack. The only problem is that with a braid, those that see it MAY think you female, not a problem for me but might be embarrasing if you're not.
Anyone ever go up and flirt with you when they think you're a girl? Haha

This kid was standing next to my friend and I while we were fighting with our lightsabers, he saw my long curly hair and pointed at me and yelled, "Kill her! Kill her!"

Before I need to wear Fett, I normally get my hair cut :) But you've got much longer hair than I do..

yeah, it's about to the middle of my back now.

it was really awkward when it was not quite long enough to hide under the hood, but too long for the helmet. it used to just stick out, like it or not.

but with the long hair you can do the boba fett romance novel style photos, with the hair blowing in the wind ;) :lol: :lol:
it was really awkward when it was not quite long enough to hide under the hood, but too long for the helmet. it used to just stick out, like it or not.
That's about how my hair is, I should get it cut, but now that I've fixed my neckseal, that pushes my hair up a bit. Tying it up is somewhat of a "gender problem," because I've been told that when my hair is tied up, I look really pretty... but girl-pretty. HAH. Let's pretend no one heard that.

"*points up* Kill her!"
Crap! I didn't think about the long hair thing... I think I'm just gonna wear one of those head cover things with the big face hole in it, like the ones they wore under the helmet on film....or a big ass sock :lol:
uhm, some people called me a grl,becase of y baby-ish face,and because my hair is up inside my book sock/neck seal,and so they thought was girl.
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