Light at the end of the tunnel


Active Hunter
Here is some pictures as I am completing the last major project on my Fett. The :jet pack !!! I am going topical on the scratches on the pack itself. First, here is a picture of my concept for my harness. I got some webbing from a fabric store, and then bent a clothes hanger to make a semi accurate harness. Still a prototype cause I may have to have some thicker metal.


The next pictures are of my pack itself. I found some equipment yellow at ACE hardware (store brand) and it seems to work really well. It did stay tacky for a long time, but (after stripping it once jeez) I sprayed the statin clearcoat over it and it actually came out really good. I taped over it and not one piece pulled off. Not done yet but here is my progress so far:


Here is the rocket. I did not have any walnut paint so I misted everything from a light primer to a darker primer and even brass! I had to strip the black once cause it started cracking on me. I repainted it and it came out fine. I probably had accidently got something on the almond. The scratches are from an exacto. I may go back over them with chrome and almond.


The nozzle came out good I think. It has about 10 or more different misting layers on it with a base coat of almond. It also has many different colors including brass.



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Looking good!

You know they sell those D-rings at fabric stores, just in case you would rather buy than make. I can't remember where I bought mine though:o .
Forced Trekker said:
Looking good!

You know they sell those D-rings at fabric stores, just in case you would rather buy than make. I can't remember where I bought mine though:o .

Thanks, I will be on the lookout. Tomorrow I am off to buy metal to make the mount on the pack.
Cool, I think you're the first person I've seen who's attempting to make the D-ring set up like the real pack. Most I've seen use some sort of quick clip system. I'd like to use this method but was always afraid of how secure it would be where I'd need to be wearing it for hours at a time.
I have started trying to figure out how I will attach the cavity opening plate to the actual jet pack. As usual, I have gone looney and went way overboard. I bought a piece of aluminum from Lowe's and cut it up with my bandsaw. I riveted the pieces to the plate to reenforce it. Then I riveted the hangers to the backplate. I have also riveted some reenforcing plates to the inside and out of the back of the pack where the scuba belt will attach.

The first picture shows what I did to make the plate attach the to the pack. I bent the metal a bit and it wedges into the upper lip of the pack. I still haven't figured out how to attach the bottom.


Here the hangers are riveted in place. I will repaint this piece to match. I exagerated the loop a bit to ensure an accidental release would not happen.


This is the reenforced area for the belt attachment.



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Oh yeah, progress picture. Rocket and thrusters done, pack painted in need of weathering and touchup:



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Very nice attachment rig. The exadurated hooks are a great idea.

Also, what color yellow is that on the pack? I'm going to be finishing a new pack for my Jango outfit soon, and I'm not overly happy with my current color. Mine's a bit too orange.
judz dwedd said:
Very nice attachment rig. The exadurated hooks are a great idea.

Also, what color yellow is that on the pack? I'm going to be finishing a new pack for my Jango outfit soon, and I'm not overly happy with my current color. Mine's a bit too orange.

Thanks. That yellow is ACE Hardware Equipment Yellow with a misting of Popsickle Orange. There are a lot of layers on there cause I kept going back over it.
And so, the weathering begins...

I used MM leather since I had no earth tone...


Scratches are all topical...


I hope to be done with the pack by Sunday.


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:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: .....Looks Great Gray!!!!
Pavespawn said:
And so, the weathering begins...

I used MM leather since I had no earth tone...


Scratches are all topical...


I hope to be done with the pack by Sunday.




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