Lev'ika's Custom Mando Art



The bucket pic for Kal and Fi, and any others that i said id do :lol:


Pacx's custom

well thats the plan for the weekend, we'll se how many i get done.... might be a little busy ;)
lev'ika I can't even remember what all I've contracted u for! lmao we'll figure it out tho... when u get caught up I'll think up more for u to do
*WHEW* well that was an effort and a half! Man, finding this dusty old thread was difficult :lol:

Just to prove i havnt ditched my unpaying art career ;) ill show you the start i have gotten on Circas sketch


well its a start :/ give me your honest opinion guys! I think im gettin a little rusty lol
actually... as far as proportion and symmetry (spelling?) goes... I'm still seeing improvement. NOW... where's my sketch that I've been waiting so long for? lol. Do I need to get my hands on Ad'ika's laserwhip ner vod? lmao
he he yeah that was the one I was referring to. Well shoot lev'ika if u have a newb who needs their armor sketched out u need to get that done for 'em! They may be waiting on ur sketch to get their armor started! lol somebody's gotta keep u on task tho! lmao
actually... as far as proportion and symmetry (spelling?) goes... I'm still seeing improvement. NOW... where's my sketch that I've been waiting so long for? lol. Do I need to get my hands on Ad'ika's laserwhip ner vod? lmao

I agree, great work! You're definitely better than when you started . :D
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