Well here goes nothin ............my first crack at painting armor .I started with just the shoulders & knees . I started with a Krylon premium chrome , then used Parma liquid mask . Then after a few days on went the Krylon almond .... waited overnight and then peeled off the mask using a thumb nail .Although the mask did seem to affect the chrome a little it's not to bad. It gave it a kind off weathered metal look .For the next step I decided to skip the Parma and give the old MUSTARD that I have been hearing about so much on the TDH , a try . I guees I'll wait a day or 2 for the mustard to dry or thicken and then on goes the Krylon Catterpiller Yellow . Do you guys think I should throw in a little misting with the pumpkin orange ? O K hit me with your opinions guys ...... that's why were here .