Leather Boba belts from Pavespawn!


Active Hunter
I am ready to start filling the list for the next run of belts. I will put 20 slots on this list as long as the people down on the list realize it will obviously take a little longer to get the run done.

Belts will be $140 this time as well. Sorry to increase the price. As others will attest, I have always tried to keep these belts as affordable as possible. Unfortunately, material and equipment costs have forced me to go up a bit. The price includes shipping inside the USA. Overseas orders PM me for a quote.

I will do your choice of ESB or ROTJ ammo belt. The pouches are nonfunctional per the screen used version.

When you order, please ensure that you include your screenname in your payment.

I accept paypal or money orders.

1. Bobamaker (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
2. Bobamaker (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
3. Bobamaker (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
4. AtomicMan (*) (Paid) (Shipped)
5. Buckeye 01 (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
6. acyang (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
7. TD/TB-352 (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
8. Pennywise (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
9. poopsko24 (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
10. Macfett (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
11. DonnieDarko688 (ESB) (Paid) (Shipped)
12. Q99213 (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
13. Precursor (ESB) (Paid) (Shipped)
14. trvann (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
15. JP in Atlanta (*) (Paid) (Shipped)
16. Cruzer (ESB) (Paid) (Shipped)
17. KidAkira (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
18. DarthVader1 (ROTJ) (Paid) (Awaiting new address)
19. SaxeCoburg (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
20. rudolpht (ROTJ) (Paid) (Shipped)
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Here's some pics of his awesome belts...



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Hey Pavespawn, put me on the list but further towards the bottom. When do we need to get you payment by? You can PM any details that you might have.
So, are you gonna make belts for the people who "signed up" first or who "PAID" first?;) I was hoping to get mine in time for ComicCon next month:love
Hey Pavespawn could you let me know where to send the Paypal payment, and when we need to get this done by? It would be much appreciated.

All the leather is onhand. I have balsa on order but it hasn't come in yet. I just got more medium brown dye in as well. Production will start tomorrow.
Pavespawn said:

All the leather is onhand. I have balsa on order but it hasn't come in yet. I just got more medium brown dye in as well. Production will start tomorrow.

Hey Pavespawn you mind if I get you your payment this Friday, 23rd?
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