Last scratchbuilt.....period.


Active Hunter
I know, I know.......enough of the scratchbuilt antics from me.
Well, this time I mean it when I say this is my last scratchbuilt.
This is the same helm I started with WOF's templates and there are
a few MS parts on here (keyslots, RF, stalk, and MQ1 board), I
was thrilled when they matched up! The colors are Rougue's Except
for the red and the tan on the back of the bucket. I used a Rustoleum
Redwood toned down with brown pastel for the Mands, and Rustoleum
taupe for the damage on the back. I hope to hollow the RF and put some
electronics in it someday, but for now this will do so I can finally move
on to other parts of the project.
Got a bunch of paint sitting here waiting for a certain New Englander to
let me roll on to his bucket.
Thanks for looking.




it´s allways a pleassure to see your bucket´s proyects............
I hope that using the WoF´s templates, I could end with something good as the ones that you have made someday.................
your work it´s a inspiration to keep scratchbuilding things............
thanks alot for sharing with us this beautys.....................
Wow great looking helmet, I too am amazed that it is scratchbuilt. It also has a killer paint job, you did a hell of a good job all around on that thing.
Incredible work Kripps. The paintwork is fantastic. I only hope my WOF helmet turns out half as good as this one. Thanks for the inspiration to give the scratchbuilt helmet a try. This proves it can be every bit as accurate by paying attention to the details and applying a stellar finish. Did you go topical or masking method?
SD68 said:
Incredible work Kripps. The paintwork is fantastic. I only hope my WOF helmet turns out half as good as this one. Thanks for the inspiration to give the scratchbuilt helmet a try. This proves it can be every bit as accurate by paying attention to the details and applying a stellar finish. Did you go topical or masking method?

Thanks man. I actually did a mix of topical and masking on it. The back of the bucket was done with mask inspired by AFFO$ thread ,
and the rest was all topical.

chewiepal said:
this is something that surely was asked before, but never have think in make a cast or this babys?

I actually cast the last one I made, but the helmets I've made are just no where near as accurate as others . Given the choice I'd rather own one of the beautiful buckets available from the artisans here, but I have a mental issue and for some reason I've chosen to try to make as much of this costume myself as I possibly can.

Kripps - what can i say? that is absolutely beautiful man. I just can't get over the fact it is scratch built :love :love :love

I know exactly where you are coming from, my entire costume except for the base gauntlets (not including wire housing and flamer) and girth belt is entirly scratch built. It is great when ppl see your costume and you can say i made the whole thing from scratch.

A big thumbs up to you Kripps :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wow, awesome!!! That definatly looks amazing, especially that it's scratchbuilt!

There has been a bunch of amazing scratchbuilts suddenly; yours, hankey's, terminal's, and probably a few more I haven't come across.
Totally amazing job!! Don't knock yourself man! I would classify you among the Artisans on this board and I doubt that anyone would argue the point.

I also am building everything from scratch, that's half the fun. Keep up the great work you are on your way to a KICK @** Fett.


Kripps said:
I actually cast the last one I made, but the helmets I've made are just no where near as accurate as others . Given the choice I'd rather own one of the beautiful buckets available from the artisans here, but I have a mental issue and for some reason I've chosen to try to make as much of this costume myself as I possibly can.

My eyes are bugging out of my head and my jaw is on the floor to read that the helmet is scratch built! I thought it was the real deal. Man, that looks really nice!

Impressed is not the word for this. I am in shock and awe at what you've done. That's really awesome!!!
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