Kyram Do'ruun's armor


Just got my armor in the mail today and started painting the shoulder plates. Sorry about the bad pictures, they wouldn't turn out without te flash on.
those are gorgeous, what kinda paint did you use for the symbols?


The symbols were done using rust-oleum "Canyon Black" satin finish sparypaint. The white triangle was hand painted using testors glossy white only because I didn't have any white spraypaint. I printed out both designs and cut out stencils using an x-acto blade.
Valcar, TantiveIV, MMF#1---> Thanks!!! I'm glad you like them. :D
Here's my knee armor. Pretty basic sintra w/ a two-tone black and red design and weathering. Might get something a little more fancy later but it works for now. These, like the rest of my armor, will eventually have a brown/green grime wash.

I'm installing the visor into my helmet tonight. Talk about a pain in the butt process! It's coming along though.
Valcar, TantiveIV, MMF#1---> I'm installing the visor into my helmet tonight. Talk about a pain in the butt process! It's coming along though.

Dam right this is coming along, I like the way you have done the red very thick, it's got a great layering look to it..... very good indeed Kyram...
Thanks Setra, Crixler, Tracyn!
Either of these look better? I had considered putting black on the gut plate but wasn't sure if it would look better than just the silver. Everyone please let me know what you think...
Thanks Setra, Crixler, Tracyn!
Either of these look better? I had considered putting black on the gut plate but wasn't sure if it would look better than just the silver. Everyone please let me know what you think...
^^ Yep, that's exactly what I meant.

But still, it's your call. ;)
Have you thought of R'n'B'ing the armor? I think it would make it look pretty nice, unless it would be too difficult to mask it all off.
Well that settles that then. LOL. And I agree, it rounds the design out pretty well.

Uther: Sorry, what is R&Bing? Still kind of a n00b here :lol:
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