kropserkel westars


Active Hunter
hey guys. i found this website by these guys and wanted to know if anyone has bought from them or has heard of them before.
they seem to make a decent set of westars. they are no MR's but might be the next best thing.
ive emailed them to see if they still sell them and if they do to give me a price quote so we shall see what happens but they look like a good alternative to the MR's.
I emailed them a while back about the same thing. Got told that they don't make them and that the MR's are my best bet.

Hope this helps.
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same story i guess

they said that they donot produce these anylonger and that the MR's are my best bet.

oh well. guess i need to save up for these MR blasters. theres a set up there now but its WAY too high. although they are "mint" ones
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I was hoping they would make them aswell. They have a pretty amazing lookin' Zam blaster on there, You know if they make and sell those? I know it's not the same, But like them anyway :D
I contacted them also some weeks ago.
They don't make them not sell them. Have to go with the MR's which are rare and expensive.
All of the pics you see on the Kropserkel site are prototypes that were made for Master Replicas.

Bummer really. :facepalm
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