Kim's Belts...

You just one day say i'm done with it and thats it.
UNTIL! you see something on another person's suit that strikes the fire again.
Ok, here are some more updated pictures (from last night) of where I am with my ammo belt...

I have all of the pouches completed except for the velcro on each to flap to keep them closed... I should have them 100% done by this weekend and then I can get some shots of the pouches on the actual belt - hopefully on the actual me!


They have turned out great Kim. Man, the stuff you could bring with to the convention. Cell phone, snacks, Bat Shark-Repellant :D
OK, 2 things...

1.) I am going to fill the pouches with small jolly ranchers and give them to people as I walk around! :D
and 2.) - I think the sharks should have eaten him anyway! :p
Now there's an idea. That's cool. Have little candies in there so when you see someone you can give them one! I like that idea a lot! You will be a very popular bounty hunter.

I can see it now at a Con, "Hey.. that Boba has candy!!!"
WannaBeBoba said:
Now there's an idea. That's cool. Have little candies in there so when you see someone you can give them one! I like that idea a lot! You will be a very popular bounty hunter.

I can see it now at a Con, "Hey.. that Boba has candy!!!"

That will be me!
San Diego 2006!
Be there.. and get Jolly Ranchers! :D
SarlaccBits said:
That will be me!
San Diego 2006!
Be there.. and get Jolly Ranchers! :D

you Will Be at Comic-Con??

So will I ;)
And I Will Have my Boba Fett done To take with me :thumbsup:

If ya are there we will have to get a pic together:cheers

Shadow7098 said:
you Will Be at Comic-Con??

So will I ;)
And I Will Have my Boba Fett done To take with me :thumbsup:

If ya are there we will have to get a pic together:cheers


Damn right!
I will be there the entire time - with 2 girlfriends of mine...
Now I have my ammo belt done...


And I took some pictures of it on myself...
you have to imagine the green thing underneath the ammo belt is my rope belt...


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