KidAkira's Finished ROTJ BM Armor


Active Hunter
Here's all the green parts of the armor. Everything here is BM's fiberglass armor. I can't say enough about the Quality of BM's Stuff. I think some of these shots give a good view of the curves of the pieces.
Cheers KA

What color did you use for the scratch marks seen here?


And I was wondering, has any one ever put out a tutorial with the steps for doing a ROTJ version of armor. I am at a point where I know what needs to be done now, just not sure in which order.
FTLOF, The colour i used for those scratch marks was Tamyia spray paint Olive Green (AS14). I used the layer technique so in order it would have been the silver (mask areas) Yellow (mask areas) Tamyia Olive green AS14 (this colour was only sprayed locally in the required areas - mask areas) Dark green, then weather. Hope that helps ya!

Daz, Thanks for the compliments! I'm glad I could do justice to your excellent armour. Again, a pleasure to paint!

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