JW's BKBT helmet

Jango Wes

Well-Known Hunter
ok, I've *almost* got it done. It's pret-a-porter right now, but I still need to weather it and get my actual visor in.


and beside my Crimson Guard.

I tried it both ways, up like it is and down. I know it isn't "screen accurate" but I like the earcap lining up on the top. I may try it down, but for right now, I'll leave it where it's at. Good eye though.

Yeah, bring that earcap down buddy! No self-respecting Jango affectionado who is the owner of a BKBT helmet would allow such an atrocity to occur. Bring it down soon...my Jango senses are all out of whack from the site of it!:lol:

Just read your second post.....NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Such madness!

Jango_Wes said:
I tried it both ways, up like it is and down. I know it isn't "screen accurate" but I like the earcap lining up on the top. I may try it down, but for right now, I'll leave it where it's at. Good eye though.


Hey, I don't blame you one bit. I prefer the RF earcap on my BKBT bucket in the open position also. :thumbsup:

Yeah, but it's not the same...your's is painted up like a Boba...and a dang nice one I must say...so it's ok to be like that.:thumbsup: But a Jango?:confused

Wes, have you changed the earpiece yet?!

Don't make me have to bribe you!:lol: ...Jango senses, arrggg!

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