Jumpsuit disaster...fixed it

Jangos kid

Well-Known Hunter

Hey everybody. Well, I think I finally have my jumpsuit to the point where I am happy with it:) Could maybe be a few shades bluer, but considering I thought I had ruined it, I think its pretty good. THanx again for all the ideas & comments:)


Hey folks. Well, some of you may have remembered seeing pics of my suit progress a few months back. I had just finnished my new jumpsuit, and was pretty proud of it. Heres how it used to look.


Well, today I decided that the color was not quite dark enough, and not quite blue enough. I proceeded to re-dye the thing to improve it. Talk about stupid!!!!! :cry I used to much blue, and now it is darker than a prepro suit! :angry So I need a little advice please. What would happen if I use rit color remover on it??? Will it go back to white, or can I use like...a half package or something to just lighten the existing crappy dark blue??? Anyone do anything like this?? Geeze, I'm so mad I almost kidded a hole in my jet pack!!! Please LMK if anyone has suggestions,. Thanx

Well guys, thanx again for the suggestions. I tried running it throught the wash with rit remover, and it helped some, but still way too blue:( think I'll try it again & see if it getts better. what do you guys think...too blue right???

First of all Damien, GREAT LOOKING SUIT!!!!! :D

I feel your pain as I screwed my helmet up a few weeks back, but managed to fix it. I would try 1/2 box at a time if the RIT color remover.

Let us know what happens.
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It might sound stupid,but how about washing it?? It's what happened to make the original suit fade along with the sun.

Nice suit BTW....and awesome custom EE3 ;)
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Bleach it hard, game over...it'll be cool. Then tie it to a rope, attach to your bumper and drive around the block...it will add years to it! Say hey to me later. J
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Thanx alot for the advice & comments folks. I really appreciate it:) I think I'm gonna sleep on it, & see how it looks in the morning after it has completely dried. It is getting lighter as it dries, but I'm thinking its still gonna be too dark/blue. I did pick up some Rit color rmover, so I may go with that. Hope this works...Arrgggg, I shoulda just left it alone:lol: Thanx again,
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Yeah, color remover is the best way, Bleach can deteriorate cotton fibers, so the color remover should work better. Depending on the method you used to color the suit (Washing machine VS boil in a pot) washing may lighten it a bit, but not as much as the color remover will. Fill your washing machine with hot water, throw your suit in, take it out and add the color remover and let the machine agitate, then add you suit back in for 5-10 min and check the progress. It will look much lighter when it dries, but if your not sure, you may want to let it hang dry if it seems too dark because drying it in the dryer might set in the color more. If it still looks way too dark, try the color remover again, if it's only a little dark just wash it in hot water. Hope it comes out :D
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Wash it in a harsh fabric detergent is what i would do, I bought a black pair of jeans and washed them one time with Tide with color safe bleach detergent (hot water) and man did they fade big time.

IF you do it soon enough it will also wash out most of the color before it sets in fabric paint takes about 2 days to set into fabric, just do not put it in the drier or you wont even be able to remove it with dye remover.

I airbrush T-shirts on the side :p I have screwed up way worse.
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I think the blue looks better, but could use a bit of fading to make it look more authentic. Beautifull suit BTW. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get it, or did you make it yourself?
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Thanx judge. I made the coverall myself using the green pepper patern-"Black Butte Jumpsuit"
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I agree. I think the color is dang close to the ESB color. Weather that baby and it should look just right.:thumbsup:
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Well, I did as Fettcile suggested, and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. (Thanx bud;)) Its about 1/2 way in between the 2 pics I posted. I'll get annother pic of it up in a few days. Thanx again everybody for the advice/comments & support. I was pretty bummed:( But feel a whole lot better now:)
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I wish I could fade mine more... :( I'm afraid its going to fall apart from all the bleach.

If you have it inbetween those two colors, it should be dead on. Suit looks great too!

Do you wanna make another?
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Thanx alot guys:) I dunno FT...it took so much out of me just to make this one...Don't know if I have enough energy to make annother. Perhaps after I get my suit completely done, I could try to make a few coveralls for some folks. If you want to try making your own, I highly recomend that Black Butte Jumpsuit by green pepper. Its pretty easy to sew too, just takes alot of time if you are new to sewing. I had no prior sewing experience befor this, and I think it turned out pretty decent. I'm betting that if I can do it, so can you;)
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cause I haven't painted em yet:lol: Actaully, I've been messing around with this stupid coverall for so long, that I haven't had much time to work on anything else.
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