Jet Pack Question. Build or Buy?

Desloc & Halo1,
I'm with both of you.
I did my 4 years in the Army as a grunt- (Infantry)
I was a 60-gunner with no Assistant Gunner.
So i had my Ruck, My 60, PLUS my spare barrel & tripod.
Now that I'm old & fat, there's no way am I carrying anything heavy . ;)
Get an MLC , I think they are about 4 lbs.
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if the cuestion is build or buy, you could make one, as lisafett.............and if you later want(and can afort it), buy one..............
as I say before, I´m using the templates of lisafett...................but instead of use polietirene, I building this one in plastic, wood and everything that be usefull................AGAIN THANKS TO LISAFETT.........


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