Jet Pack comparison pics


Well-Known Hunter
Jetpack comparison pics

I made a collage out of the awesome work done here on the TDH
I hope nobody objects to their pack being represented.
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The Myth of Magic one seems to be greener than the rest, is that a trick of the light?
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myn doesn't really compet with what's been shown here, but...

it's a Bradley Fett pack.

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The body on Gator's looks like an MLC. Notice the wide main tank. Looks like the rocket & thrusters have been replaced.
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Gator's pack Is an MLC, but with Bobamaker rocket & thrusters.

I'll add all the new ones in today.
If you guy's send me some hi-res larger pics.

The "green" in the MOM one is a lighting issue IIRC.
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How bout this one for the 6th

Just a suggsetion, I think Darthmillers MOW :jet pack came out really nice

dunno if your lookin to have them all MLC's or not but if you can wait for me to paint mine you might have your 6th one ;)

Serriously though there are some awsome JP's displayed around here, if I can get mine to come out even close to one of those pictured I'll be a happy Boba
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slave1pilot said:
I made a collage out of the awesome work done here on the TDH
I hope nobody objects to their pack being represented.
I still need one for #6 , any volunteers?

Here is my RA pack if you want....


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I updated the First post to reflect the Awesome work of the members here.
This is not meant to be a competetion, more of a showcase.
If you send a pic to me, I'll try to include it into this collage.
Please pm me (for my email) so you can send me big, hi-res pics.
& include who actually painted your :jet pack , so they can get credit (wether they want it or not)

Lynn TXP 0309 - Can you send me a larger Hi-res pic to scale down to better show your talent?
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I posted this on a different thread but it applys here too. On the big pic that compares all the jet packs to the MOM jet pack. The MOM is a green with a slight hint of blue... the others are just plain blue. Perhaps I am missing something but even after colorcorecting that photo in compensation of the flash, its not blue!
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