Jaster Mereel Jaster Mereel - Work in Progress

Jodo Kast 2749

Active Hunter
Okay, here are the WIP pics of my Jaster costume. My vest came in today so I'll be "fit to fight" in a week or so at the latest. As you can tell, I'm trying to be as faithful to the Open Seasons comic as I possibly can.




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This armor looks fantastic in person...I got to try on the belt!:thumbsup:
The shoulders are an amazing metallic red and the gauntlets look great.
Can't wait to see the finished product!
It's a french army ammo belt. You don't see it in the pics but it comes with 3 of the large double pouches (one was removed here) and a double set of pistol mag pouches on each side. I found mine for $50 CDN at an Army Surplus store.
It's a french army ammo belt. You don't see it in the pics but it comes with 3 of the large double pouches (one was removed here) and a double set of pistol mag pouches on each side. I found mine for $50 CDN at an Army Surplus store.

$50? wow, i paid $10 for mine, though it didn't have the pistol mag pouches.
Thanks a lot. I scratch built the holsters and harness myself. Molding the leather was far easier than I would have thought. Thank God for Tandy leather. My days of cutting up 2nd hand store leather jackets are over. hehehehe
Like I just posted (literally :lol: ) at Mando'Ade, that looks great! :thumbsup: Everything pretty much looks spot on to the comic! Can't wait to see this all done!
I scratch built the gauntlets out of sintra. The "flamethrowers" are just some conduit, a 1" coupling and the back part is a valve thing for a sprinkler system.

I'll have to get more pics up soon. She's almost done.
Sweeeet! You're actually putting money, time, and effort into your costume. I'm so sick of seeing Jango Fetts painted in different schemes...
Hmm, looks very good. I like it a lot, it'll be nice to see it when you get it all mounted on a vest. The emblem I had seen previous (well, as used by the old Jaster Mereel) is this one:
I'd have to say looking at this (the best) picture from OS, Jodo's emblem is pretty darn close. The nose part could be a bit thinner, but overall very close.

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