Jango's Blaster Substitute


New Hunter
If you dont want to spend the 400 or more dollars for the replica blasters, is there a cheaper alternative that will look just as good?
Wow . . I am glad I hit this at the right time.

I think screen accuracy is important but when you are not around costumers - - -

They know who you are. Which brings me to my point. I chose not to buy replica

Blasters for comforts sake. Let's face it folks! Our suits are no picnic and very

heavey. Which is why I chose the toy Blaster as seen in the picture above.

Instead - - - - I had them airbrushed! I always get compliments on these

babies. In my personal opinion - - - this is the best route!








Gone with the Rubies blasters myself too.

If you put some time into them (removing all the wrong details, like the holdingpin and -screw, the cap, the LFL signs, reshaping the nosecone, painting them screen-accuratly etc.), you can get some really nice looking blasters, which look except for the shorter barrel and the slightly thicker nose section not so much apart from the screenaccurate Versions.

PS: the pic beneath shows mine in an unfinished state as I had to rework the golden parts still.

BTW: cool painint in the background of pic #2 lilburndiablo.

blasters almost there.JPG
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lilburndiablo said:
Awesome Job Wasp.

Again this is better than carrying Replica's which might way a ton!

I AGREE....i got mine at US$8(+US$9 shipping....) makes it a steal! I BOUGHT LIKE 3 TO CUSTOM!!!

Heres mine..not finished!



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Looks promising! :)

But please remove the red cap. It looks much better without it (you get a more screen-accurate nose and have a real "shoot-out" hole which looks pretty nice as it has that batterypole plate in the deep within, which could be imagined as Laseremitter or something...). ;)
lilburndiablo said:
Awesome job Bleahhh....


haha..thnks. I have painted the golden parts of the blasters..no pics yet thou..

Anyway, one of my blasters conked out! it just wont 'shoot'!! NO SOUND COMING out of the unit! I have switched the caps, batteries, but to no avail!! its infuriating!!! I have another unopened rubies...but the tot of having one unable to make any sound makes me soooooooooooooooooooo pissed...
Bleahhh said:
haha..thnks. I have painted the golden parts of the blasters..no pics yet thou..

Anyway, one of my blasters conked out! it just wont 'shoot'!! NO SOUND COMING out of the unit! I have switched the caps, batteries, but to no avail!! its infuriating!!! I have another unopened rubies...but the tot of having one unable to make any sound makes me soooooooooooooooooooo pissed...
Hey, I think it's ok gua...it will stay more realistic when there's no sound at all right (I believe whatever electronic sound it can make, it'll give the realisticism away)....some more you bought at a bargain so I'd look at it as going for the looks rather than the SOUND....hehe :thumbsup:
clonetrooper said:
Hey, I think it's ok gua...it will stay more realistic when there's no sound at all right (I believe whatever electronic sound it can make, it'll give the realisticism away)....some more you bought at a bargain so I'd look at it as going for the looks rather than the SOUND....hehe :thumbsup:

well....actually i love the sound/..its sounds very ok to pass of as a real blast frm the westar.....
Repainting a plastic toy is fun, but it isn’t durable. I repainted my Hasbro Dooku saber and it had a nice shine like real metal, but with that boiling heat we had the last few days, all the shine is gone with just touching it two or three times. :angry
If you put the batteries the wrong way in (upside down) the sound chip will be shortcircuited immediatly while pressing the trigger.
That's what happened with one of mine, so maybe that's it. :confused
Wasp said:
If you put the batteries the wrong way in (upside down) the sound chip will be shortcircuited immediatly while pressing the trigger.
That's what happened with one of mine, so maybe that's it. :confused

huh? that easily?? Shiats...
anyway, more pics..



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Thanks for the info on the Rubies Blasters. Got my jet pack in the mail saturday, finished the helmet last night. Waiting on the armor to arrive this week. Other than the girth belt and the gun belt I am finished! Also to help the paint from coming off of your repainted blasters, let the paint dry for at least 24 - 48 hours then use an automotive clear coat on them. Make sure it is acyrlic it will harden like a rock.
Patience young one, when I build it they will come. Jet Pack needs to have nozzles replaced, armor needs to be painted. The wait will not be long however.
I got a set of rubies blasters and holsters today, The blasters seem pretty good but the holsters and belt are not great. I managed to brake the leg strap of one just trying it on for size.
Oh well at least they will give me something to work from if I decide to make some new ones.


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