Jango Progress Pics

Jango Fettish

New Hunter
Hey guys. Ok, I would like some feedback on what I have together so far. Please be somewhat kind and remember that I'm 5'4", not quite 110 lbs, and a girl. I have my last few armor pieces on the way, and a new rangefinder as well. My thighs aren't actually attached yet, they were hanging on by the holsters, and those aren't the blasters I will be using to troop with... I'm still admiring the extreme shininess of my MRs.




How do you walk without your thighs being attached? Sorry I could not resist. The whole outfit is coming along really well. Be sure to post more pics as you get further along on the impression.
Looks like a good effort. I wonder if you might benefit from shoulder pads, it might help. How does the girth bolo belt look in person, on screen it appears to need to be darkened, weathered. Will you weather the entire costume, or go for a cleaner jango look?

So being 5' 4" your gauntlets don't seem to big for you, are they custom?

*thumbs up*
Thanks TxFett, and yes, it is really really hard to walk with unattached thighs.

Bluewolf: I might have to try shoulder pads. I'm going for the shiny Jango look, but I will work on the bolo belt a bit, just procrastinating. The gauntlets and my chest armor actually came from a guy in my squad who was going to do a Boba. His friend made him the armor, and when he saw me trying to get my ebay armor cut down to fit me at an armor party, he just gave me his smaller stuff.

Thanks for your input guys! I appreciate it.
Wow really really cool costume. I think it is coming along excellently. :thumbsup:

one thing i could help but think though. With your build you would look great as boushh.
Nice start. I would trim the chest armor a little to make it shorter from top to bottom. I looks like the collar might end up overlapping the chest plates a little. I use a Chicago screw and leave the thigh armor permanently attached to the holsters. I've never had a problem using the method. Saves you from having to use velcro or straps on the inside of the legs. Got that idea from Cruzer :) . Look forward to your progress.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I know I'm a really small Jango, but it will help that the Boba I'll be trooping with is pretty scrawny himself (you know who you are ;) ).

Jango newbie: I really like that idea for the thighs. I was going to go with velcro, but I would think that a Cruzer idea is most appropriate for Cruzer-made holsters...
I think it's looking good, and yeah, you could use the same chicago screw that holds the straps to the holsters to hold your thigh armor on. Just need a couple of holes in the armor.

Keep up the good work and glad to see the holster rig fit (I was a little worried it wouldn't fit right when you told me your waist size):lol:.

If you want to change the color on your girth belt, and it is painted, you can take some acetone on a rag to it and take some of that off and then darken it up with some brown paint and/or dark brown leather stain.

looking good :thumbsup:
I am glad to see that you posted your progress pics after we talked Sat night. It looks good, I think everyone touched on the few things that needed to be changed. It took be forever to figure out what looked off before someone mentioned that you wern't wearing collar and back armor and like lighting there it was. I can't wait to see this in person.
one thng I haven't seen mentioned yet, is the Rangefinder on the helmet. Its very warped, you might get a Metal one from BKBT and replace that one. so then it wont sag...impotence on your rangefinder is not a good thing...
one thng I haven't seen mentioned yet, is the Rangefinder on the helmet. Its very warped, you might get a Metal one from BKBT and replace that one. so then it wont sag...impotence on your rangefinder is not a good thing...

Actually she mentioned it in her first post.

Woohoo! I got Cruzer and Seeker approval!
Everyone has been a big help. Thanks yet again.

Looks for a spot of chopped liver in the corner to hang out with ;)
Looking great! Weather that armor up! Maybe you could look into padding the torso a bit. I did this, building some cotton-insert into my vest, and it came out great! A major difference from the real, skinny version of myself.
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