Jango leg armor project


Well-Known Hunter
I received a set of BKBT upper body armor today to use for my current Jango build in anticipation of CIV...thanks slavefive.:thumbsup:

So with no sources for good fiberglass leg armor, I started this project a few days ago. I'll only make one of each and then make fiberglass jacket silicone molds to make fiberglass pulls I'll use for the actual suit.

I made the shin armor even on both sides so that it can be trimmed on either side for use on both legs. The boot armor still needs a little extening up front and trimmed a little higher on the sides.

All constructive feedback is appreciated.:thumbsup: I'm using the two pics included of the actual suit as my primary references.



shin armor scaling.jpg


Boots - Left.jpg
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thanks guys, right now on the shins I'm decreasing the width of the center channel a little towards the bottom and then thanks to some overlay pics Benkenove sent me, it looks like I need to flare out the center channel a tad at the top.

Well, time to run to Home Depot...again!:lol:

Here's a part of a pic he contributed. Thanks Ben!:thumbsup:

Benkenove comparison.jpg
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Foxbatkllr, that's my next piece once I'm satisfied with these two pieces. Then on to the backplate (all the pieces I need for CIV).

I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get that correct concave in the middle of the thigh armor. So working with these two pieces first buys me some time to contemplate it. I bought a trash can from Walmart that has a lid curvature that might work if I can replicate it in styrene.

Let me know of any suggestions.
Beautiful and perfect work like always Cruzer!!! :thumbsup:

Should you ever do a run with those parts...

...PLEASE put me on the list!!! :thumbsup:

AND I know someone else who´d like to be put on,too! Isn´t it so Adm Francis, my vode? ;)
I'm really glad I could help in some way... ;) and as I told you before privately... these are the best shins I have seen in all my life... I'm more than sure that you will make it perfect...

BTW, in not sure if this could work but, have you try to apply a little heat on that lower part, and try to flat it a little ?? some kind of heat bending ?? could work... (I think). with a heat gun or hairdresser (I think I read that before... but never tried it).

Keep us updated !!! and great work !!!
Cruzer Try a plastic bucket instead of the trash can. Mine turned out great and the plastic is thicker. But I am a sizable guy. So you may need more of a concave. I'd be a second on the shin armor if there'a a run, or boot armor got my thighs though , obviously.
Hey Cruzer,.... ol' buddy .... ol' pal,..... I'd sure like to be on the receiving end of some of those " Jango pieces of goodness". You know I need a good backplate.
ok, here's are the latest mods on the shins.
Any thing else I need look at please let me know, otherwise I'm putting these in the finished pile.:thumbsup:

In this order: first proto, mod'd, and then the originals:)



shin armor scaling.jpg
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Those are looking nearly spot on!! I suppose the rib could be a tad narrower at the bottom but honestly nobody would ever know! They look great.

The boot piece could benefit from a little more concave shape though .. again though they look pretty good.

After modifying my armor I'm tempted to sculpt some jango armor from scratch but if you can nail it then I wouldn't have to ;)
Just for Benkenove and Moncal. I quickly put on some weathering to emphasize the narrowing of the rib.

I'll narrow the center a little more and just touch the very top right corner. I'll also flare out the top sides just a tad more on both sides:thumbsup:


shin armor scaling.jpg
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