Jango Gloves


New Hunter
So I'm curious as I have seen several different colors and styles used for Jangos gloves. What are they... leather? rubber? and are they a blueish color? Or a blue/grey??? The pics I've seen make it hard to makeout. Oh and where did you guys get yours? I have the whole suit ready to go but cant seem to settle on the gloves. Thanks.
Well you're in luck since it's almost Winter again. Most people get their gloves from Nordstroms Rack, it's an outlet store for Nordstroms. Look in the Womens section for leather gloves. The should be in blue or dark blue. Most people get whatever blue they can and just dye them darker.
if anyone has a Nordstrom's Rack around their house and are going, I could use a bigger pair. I would need about an 8-8.5. i found a place online that sells navy leather gloves, but they are $60 pair.

I checked my Nordstrom Rack about a week ago and there were no gloves yet. I believe a size 8 is the largest they come in because they are ladies gloves. My personal pair are a size 8. I'll keep checking for you guys though.
JangoWess. when you stop by on the 7th you could visit a few we have in the area.

Well, as of now, it looks like I won't be coming up. I will be in the field for a prep to go to the National Training Center in FT Irwin, CA with a possible follow on to Iraq. Not sure as of yet, but it looks that way with every passing hour. I'll find out in a couple of hours how this will all play out.

Well, as of now, it looks like I won't be coming up. I will be in the field for a prep to go to the National Training Center in FT Irwin, CA with a possible follow on to Iraq. Not sure as of yet, but it looks that way with every passing hour. I'll find out in a couple of hours how this will all play out.


What is it about the Government wanting to deploy TDH members right now? Just found out today I'm going to Korea next November, with a stop at Ft. Irwin before hand.
Coincidentally I was looking into this matter myself a few months back since my last visit to The Promenade in Long Beach.

I made a call earlier tonight to The Rack around closing time, there still rolling in fall wear but when I made inquisitions about leather gloves much to my cautious yet exuberant delight they already happen to be carrying a small selection, when I asked the lady what colors were available in stock she told me black, pink and much to my skeptical joy blue.

I’ll call up again manana to look into this a bit more and update with some more info for ya fellas.
Well guys I live in Alaska, and while we do have a normal Nordstroms we dont have a outlet store..... sooo... if someone picks up a pair of these in the biggest size they make I can and will buy them from you!!! And you will also have my eternal thanks and gratitude :thumbsup: Any idea what they normally go for?

I beleive they are $20.00 usd or less.

As soon as they have them I'll buy up every pair of blue they have for members here. And yes...I'll send a pair to Spain.
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