Jango Fett Knee Armor Templates/blueprints


Well-Known Hunter
UPDATED 2-27-06 - Jango Fett Knee Armor Templates/blueprints

Here is the first draft of Jango’s knee armor. The templates will be created from this
blueprints just like the Boba knee armor that I am working on, see this thread;


I have compared both right and left sides and found unlike Boba Fett, Jango’s knees
are nearly a mirror images of each other, but I plan on duplicate any differences. So
take a look and let me know what needs fixing.

Thanks for looking.


See the attachment below for the knee armor templates. These have only been tested in cardboard, but they looked pretty good. Please post your efforts here and let me know what you think.


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Awesome. You are the template god! If I hadn't just bought some knee armor from JD, I'd definitely be using your template. Heck I've got a lot of extra sintra in the garage. I just might try to make some for fun(when I get all of my other projects done that is). Thanks for the Jango pics.
Thank you for the encouragement.

Well, the first run was far from being a success. So I'll have to back to the drawing board on two of the parts. The shape of Jango's knees is a bit more complex than Boba's.

Ok, I redesign the flat patterns and the cardboard mockup looks pretty good. So the next step will be transferring them to plastic.

Stay tuned.

I have been working on cleaning up the templates, but I have not had any time to spend in the shop to test them except for the cardboard mockups. So if anyone wants to be the beta tester for these templates, please let me know and I'll send them out.


At the urging of one of the beta tester I have updated the first post to include the PDF file for the Jango Knee Armor templates. They should be printed out on standard 8 1/2 X 11 paper.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

I tried clicking on the propoholics link but it didn't go through. Is that site down? Could I get the Jango knee templates somewhere else? Thanks. Your other templates are awesome though. Especially since you can size them to specific heights. I'm 6'3" and yours is the first template I've found that can be sized to me. Thanks a ton!
I don't know what the issue is, but please send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll send them to you.


P.S. This goes for any of my templates. Please just send me a PM with your e-mail and I will forward the templates to you.
I think that they look fantastic. I am just beginning my costume myself. Do you have the armor patterns in autocad format by chance? Or no of anyone who does? Also, what would you recommend as the best way to make the armor plates, and the best material to use? Any help is welcome and greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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