Jango Fett: Female Mandalorian

Halo 1

Well-Known Hunter
Hey Hunters,

Just wanted to share with you my finally completed Jango that I had done for my gal here in Singapore.

DigiCamera conked out on me at the last moment but managed a Cellphone cam shot of the suit. Will have more and clearer pics when I get the chance. :)


Helm's a JD Special, Jumpsuit and vest from Skygunbro [with sizing mods done :)], Gauntlets are from Ruffkintoy, Armor from Schuby and the leatherwork [Ammo Pouches, Braided Belt and Holster Setup] was done up locally.

Here's a clearer pic...thanks to Jacen for this shot.

I wanna thank everyone here for the multitude of helpful posts and opinions when I was researching Jango's Suit for the past 6 months. I didn't ask any questions, just read up on your posts and detailed info. Thanks again guys!

Maybe now, I can finally carry on with completeing my Boba...:D

Stay safe.

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Hey Hunters,

Finally got some pics from a fellow SW fan who was with us at the Star Wars Event held in Singapore.

Here we go...Jango Fett: Female Mandalorian...and me[I'm the Sandy...and yes, I know I'm alittle short for a Stormtrooper...5'5 :D].



Stay safe.



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:D awesome suit!!

now... losen up a little when wearing it ... or insert coins :p

just kiddin', but such a suit should be worn the way it was meant to!!

aim, shoot, nodd... anything...

awesome job!! :cheers
AdmFrancis, many thanks bro! I had fun building it up for her. :)

R_boba_fett, copy that. It was her first time in costume so she was just a little 'stiff', in time she'll get better. ;)

Thanks again guys.

Stay safe.


Coming from you, that means alot, thanks! FYI, your Jango Ammo Pouch measurements, pics and tutorials helped me alot in my Jango Build up, many many thanks!

Stay safe.

..just AWESOME

its a great experience to see female jango/boba fett. its not only a mans domain.... and i think thats great ! :thumbsup:
Wasp, the Helms a JD Special. She didn't want anything else. :)

Loranar-Fett, gracias for the good word bro. ;)

Xantok_Odysseus, danke bro. :D

Sean Solo, copy that. :D

Thanks again guys!

Stay safe.

well well well, thumbs up again for the Fem-jango for the parade that day!!

Now i want a JD bucket too!

Anyway, OT, its sad theres only TWO of us Singaporeans here....
Jango_Fett_Jr, thanks dude, means alot to me. :)

Bleahhh, gracias again...you looked great too!

Stay safe.

Where did you find gauntlets that fit a female frame?
I am currently working on a Jango and have been trying to cast my own gauntlets. A big, big pain.
I figure the forearm length would have to be less than 7.5" to fit me.
I would be very thankful for any info.
iammorbid said:
Where did you find gauntlets that fit a female frame?
I am currently working on a Jango and have been trying to cast my own gauntlets. A big, big pain.
I figure the forearm length would have to be less than 7.5" to fit me.
I would be very thankful for any info.

Hey there iammorbid,

Actually, I'm using standard sized Gauntlets [ROTJ versions] for my Female Jango. Only modifications I did was to cut away the left gaunt calc pad and trimmed the clamshell bottom halves to 'create' a smaller look. Internally the gauntlets were padded to fit.

Hope this helps,

Stay safe and good luck!

Incredible job Halo... That Jango looks great, and does the sand trooper. I hope my Boba looks even close to that and I will be very happy with it...
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