Jango Fett Classic Jet Pack Paint up.

Bobby Fett UK

Well-Known Hunter
Jango Fett Classic Jetpack Paint up.

Hello boys and girls.

I am about to start painting up a Jango Jet Pack for Phil - Mandalorian Guard

I will post up the process as I go over the next few days. I am hoping to get this pack painted within the week so watch this space.

Bobby. :jet pack
Thanks Rob,

Heres pics of my jet pack before paint up.




Over to you Bobby Fett UK



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I have gotten the yellow down - but it still needs more coats - so more paint will be on hand tomorrow. Then it will have an orange mist added.

At this tiime I am having problems uploading my photos to photobucket - so will sign up else where and get them up asap!

More tomorrow.
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HeadlessHunter - Gladd to see you be keeping a eye on this thread. That what Rob & I agreed to put it on here, for people like yourself.
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You're starting with the best base IMO, the Bobamaker Jet Pack, so this will be a great thread to be on (it) :D
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You've got a beau-ti-ful jet pack there BFUK!:eek: Mandalorian Guard sure is lucky to have it!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
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Hi all - what with all the projects and the old bread knife I have not had a great deal of time to up date this - sorry Phil.

So here are some updates.....more coming later.

Yellow first.

I used Revell SM310 for the yello in the end.

Masked ready for the blue.....


.which is almost done right now. Will get the next photo on in an hour or so.


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In retro-spect... wouldn't it have been more prudent to dust your yellow areas with the orange before you masked it off to shoot the blue? It would save you having to re-mask that area.

Just a thought I had.
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I concur with the yellow. The pic of my jet pack look funny, looks like it been edited in photoshop, must be me. lol
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What with the white bits on the bottom of the blue spine Rob?

You painted the rocket and thrusters and the back of the jet pack?
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