Jango Fett Belt & Pouches. Run 8-4-06


Well-Known Hunter
I have received requests to make another run of these.

I comes with the belt and pouches. It will be dyed and weathered ready to go. All you have to do is cut the belt from the back for your size.

I bought enough leather for 10 belts and pouches.

140.00 plus 3.85 for priority shipping. I have 5 more slots open. if I have more people that want them I'll head out and buy more leather.

1. Slavefive - Paid
2. Postmortem01 - Paid
3. Ken - Paid
4. Acyang - Paid
5. OLGFett - paid
6. Cruzer - Only pouches - Paid
7. Jimmy BufFETT - paid
8. Jango_Fettish - paid
9. WhiteArmor - paid
10. Jaster Blaster - Paid
11. Fett2210 - Paid



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These ammo belts are without-a-doubt the best belts ever...in the entire world!!!

I love mine and it was and still is worth every penny and more! Plus, the staining/weathering effect on these is amazing and second to none!:thumbsup:

PM sent bro,
Those look amazing, Turo. From the pics, it doesn't look like you dye
both sides of the leather (or the edges even). Any particular reason?
I might get a set if I can set some funds aside before the list closes!

Joren Fett
Those look amazing, Turo. From the pics, it doesn't look like you dye
both sides of the leather (or the edges even). Any particular reason?
I might get a set if I can set some funds aside before the list closes!

Joren Fett

Thansks man. The inside of the real pouches were not dyed. As far4 the sides, I like the weather look on the edges. some wear and tear.

thanks for asking
Oh I see how it is...I hook you up with holsters and I get the "left overs" :lol: j/k bro!

When are we going to see that pic of your leather vest after Dgasser got done doing your laundry for ya?

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