JANGO DEBUT @ Halloween party

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
My first run out in public. After this party I went to a local bar for a costume contest and walked in just as the judging started. I got 2nd to some dude in a Tigger costume. Not an actual Tigger costume, some orange suit with a hole for your face....WHATEVER. Here are some pics from the party.


Needed a lot of help from my wife to get it on. During our practice run she was putting the left gauntlet on and tried to "snap" it closed, in her words. There was a snap alright, but they close by velcro. she cracked my MOW fiberglass gauntlet along the flame thrower. I had to run out to the garage and luckily I had some resin & matte and made a quick repair.
Fett and catwoman.......the ultimate team!!! We should see some films about them!!

You look damn good though...you should be proud!
Looks good...and I'm guessing your better half is the Catwoman?;)

Thanks, those are your holsters. Nope, that's my wife's friend :love :wacko :love . My wife is the other spicey latina in the red cape thingy & wig.

Props to Cruzer for helping me tie up some loose ends, like jet pack pack mounting, holsters, snaps(lots of them) and many other things. He has a good eye for the Jango suit.
Couple more pics. I know, the belt needs to come down in the back, I didn't realize till I saw the pics. Now I feel for it to make sure it's correct.


Thanks. If you need holsters make sure you jump on Cruzer's current offer and get a set. I don't know how much longer he'll be making them, and you can't best the price for the amount of time and detail he puts into them. I know, I watched him put them together.
I wish I could but I have a mortgage, new truck, and the holidays to think about. But if he's willing to make another run of these say in february wen we all get our tax returns, count me in!
Yeah, that's a great suit...but what's up with the butt shot...I really didn't want to see that side of you.:lol:

And your wife is beautiful bro...so that makes me ask, how'd you ever get her?:lol: ;) ...must be the bike.;)

But I do like the pics of Catwoman!:love
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Yeah, that's a great suit...but what's up with the butt shot...I really didn't want to see that side of you.:lol:

And your wife is beautiful bro...so that makes me ask, how'd you ever get her?:lol: ;) ...must be the bike.;)

But I do like the pics of Catwoman!:love

Thanks, it was a "jet pack" pick, but thanks for noticing :lol: :lol: . I actually found her at Target. Won first prize BTW in a Fresno contest in the Tower. Also the COPS crew took a picture with me. We talked for awhile and the camera man reads this forum....."Hi COPS camera man" ;)
That's cool...and of course you won first prize, your suit rocks! And the tower district is big for this area for Halloween...so that's a pretty good accomplishment. That other costume contest with Tigger was rigged I'm telling ya!

The COPS crew and a cop in ...perfect combination!:thumbsup:

Does that mean we should look for you on COPS?
wow great set of gear you have there. The thrill of gettign out there tropping sure is intoxicating isn't it :)
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