It's arrived...


MLC armor and jet pack... Thanks Mardon and Rex... Great job guys...:cheers :thumbsup:

Now for the paint... watch this space:)
Whew that looks really good! I don't see the diamond piece of the chest armor in that picture, but I gotta believe it's there somewhere. Do you have a link to see that picture in full size?
Whew that looks really good! I don't see the diamond piece of the chest armor in that picture, but I gotta believe it's there somewhere. Do you have a link to see that picture in full size?

Good catch! Yes its not there... I actually had that in my paint shop, aka the garage, painting it then thought about the photo...!

Couldn't get the pic much bigger... sorry (...photobucket!!) here's a link anyway...
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Congrats.. Thats the same set-up I have (hard armor/JP), albeit Version 1 on the :jet pack .

Can't say enuf on how well I like their stuff.

I was going to suggest the oven method also for widening your shoulders but I see Beagle got that covered already :thumbsup: . Thanks to TK409 for that info.

Good luck on your painting and have fun
Story so far...

My first attempt at painting anything like this... TK7602's old bucket on for effect...


...I know I need to do something with the display cutouts, don't know what yet...
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