Interest ESB functional belt


Active Hunter
UPDATED ON 1/12/06

Im thinking about doing a run of ESB Ammo belts that have functional/useable pouches. Any of you guys interested in this? They will be made from Leather that is verry glossy & has an almost completly flat/smoth surface (it will have little to no texture). I havent got one made yet but i hope to have one done with in the next week or so. ill post pics once im done making the first one But ill do my damndest to get it to look as close to the original ESB belt aspossible. so if anyone is interested PM me or post in here :)
EDIT>>>> gunna meke them out of leather
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since you have decided to make them out of leather instead of vinyl, I would be interested. What kind of price range are you looking at? Cant wait to see a sample.
UPDATE FOR 1/12/06

Well i havent had the time to stop in at my local leather store yet but I thought you guys deserved an updat anyway. Ive goten 4 of the 7 poutches done & took a few pics for you guys. they will be a little bit bigger when the leather if put on them but i got them into the shape i feel is verry close to the ESB poutches. ignore the belt. its just my old vynil one that i temporaraly guled the poutches on to to give you guys a scence of size & placement of the poutches on a belt. so tell me what you guys think. seeing as i havent goten that far into the fabrication im up for sugestions if you guys feel some changes need to be made. they will look alot better once i get the leather put on them.:) :) :) so tell me what ya think!? :) :thumbsup:? :thumbsdown: ? :facepalm ? :D ? ;)



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Notlewis said:
Any News?
a little. i went to the leather factory yeasterday only to find that they only had 2 col,ors of hyde. brown (wasnt even close to the shade needed) & black. the leather was way to grainy for my likeing & alittle pricy so i had to pass on it. i got afew other leather stores in my area i got to check out. im also revsing the bax shape. its alittle thinner. im gunna do an original & a new version box up in vynl so you guys can see what iits spose to look like (leathers to expencive to waist).
If the belt is made of leather, and if it´s really ESB screen accurate, I want it ;).

Let us know the progress...

P.S. if this project doesnt end well, I know a professional leathercraft man who can do it easyly...
BobaFettSlave_1 said:
a little. i went to the leather factory yeasterday only to find that they only had 2 col,ors of hyde. brown (wasnt even close to the shade needed) & black. the leather was way to grainy for my likeing & alittle pricy so i had to pass on it. i got afew other leather stores in my area i got to check out. im also revsing the bax shape. its alittle thinner. im gunna do an original & a new version box up in vynl so you guys can see what iits spose to look like (leathers to expencive to waist).

What quality of leather are you looking at?
Given that most of Fett's stuff is battle damaged you could probably get away with using 'columbo hides' which are cheaper cuts on account of being 'flawed'.
It also comes un-dyed so you can dye it yourself.
Lookin at the pics I've seen a 'Mid-Brown' is probalby the color used.

If you're in the UK look at
I make a fair amount of leather stuff (holsters, helms, armour etc...) and find them to be very helpful and reasonably priced.
ya i have found out where to get most of the stuff i need. belt blanks dyes ect. i just gota get the right textured leather & some stuff to mekem shiney. but all i really gota do is buy the stuff & get it here so you guys can see a finnished belt. im constantly making little changes to the pouches thats sorta why its taken so long. other than that i should have a belt done at latest by mid febuary
Just a little update. Im buying alot of supplys today and expect them to arive sometime within the next week & a half i hope. most of its being shiped by ground so it could end up in japan before it gets to my place for all i know. Also because alot of you guys do ROTJ suits ive desided i shal also be doing ROTJ ammo belts if enough people are interested in one. they will be alittle bit brighter then the ESB belts & will have alot less shine to them. so once again if you are interested in getting a belt plz post what belt you are interested in here or PM me. also i expect the price range to be about $85-90 for these. the price is high because of the price of leather & time involved but i promise to do my damndest to get as close to film accuracy as possible.
thanks again,
PS im not 100% sure on weather id do this or not but tell me if you guys are interested in this plan---->. Im thinking of adding the hip pouches to the belts so ya get more for your money. they would be that dark greyishblue for ESB & that tan kakie for the ROTJ.
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