I'm a moron for not figuring this out before


Active Hunter
Hey guys, I have had trouble with my helmet, like trying to get the paint on the trim just right. I can't find good tape that will block the paint in certain spots. So.. I got an idea: perhaps I could use black nail polish to paint the small places that are hard to get to? Would that be a good idea?
I'm a moron. lol

don't get me wrong, I'm not a feminine person. (or however that word is spelled)
Nail polish as a masking agent? I wouldn't recommend that if you want something that's removable.

If you've tried the blue painters' tape, have you tried burnishing the edges? I usually run my thumbnail over the edges of the tape a few times to make sure it's really on there. Not so hard that I damage the underlying paint work though.
Are the ear pieces molded onto the helmet? Have you tried any kinds of liquid mask? Like liquid latex or anything like that?
You can just paint it onto the helmet around curves or complex shapes, and then spray over it once it's dry.
I don't really know too much about that kind of stuff and never worked with it. What my main plan is is to paint the trim green, then go back over the spots I want black with nail polish or the liquid latex stuff if it isn't too hard or expensive.

I want something that will stay on good though. whatever is best

If you want me too, I can do a little editing in my paintshop program and show you what I'm doing.
liquid mask is your friend.. get some and just paint it on with a brush where you want to cover. Make sure you do a couple layers so that I peels off nicely.
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