If you have a Rubies Jango, how did you go about modifying yours?


New Hunter
I've recently got a Rubies Jango helmet and I do want to repaint it. But other than not knowing which paint to use, I want to know what did you guys do initially? Did you coat the existing paint with something else or did you remove it? And if so, how? I don't want to damage my helmet, lol.

How do you take apart or at least remove the Range finder? I'm guessing I thould do this before painting?

I'll also be getting a Don Post 95 helmet that I may have to do this same process later.

As you can see, I'm completely knew.
You'll want to sand it down and then primer it. If the Rubies has any holes or defects in the mold you may want to put some bondo on it as well and then resand it. Also, I'm not sure if Rubies has "Rubies" or Lucasfilm copyright info stamped into the mold, but you probably want to fill that in with bondo as well.
Like digital said about the logo, it's on the back right. You will just want to sand it off, it sticks out. (Built right into the molds! How dare they!). As for removing the RF. Here's a pic I took a while ago.

Don't be shy! Bust that thing off! It pops off with some eblow grease.

One other thing, when you are cutting the visor off, be sure to mask it off so if you slip it won't damage your bucket!


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This is a helpful thread. I'm about to convert a rubies boba to a jango. How do you get the helmet into the correct shape? Mine is narrow in front instead of having the flare.

Hey askywalker98! Fancy meeting you here.

Once you get the rf off did you replace it or put it back on somehow?
I just glued it back on. And Jango Fettish, I shot you a PM on the 501st boards. As for getting it the right shape, you can leave it in your car on a hot summer day, or use a blow-dryer on it. It will begin to give a good amount after you hold it on it for a bit, and just shape it with your hands (mostly give it a flare. I would reccomend doing this before you cut the visor out). After you get it the shape you want, use somehting to put inside the bucket to help it maintain shape.
I just cut the visor out, sanded it thoroughly and began painting, afterwards inserting the new visor...
Used a metel craft ring in the back of mine to round it out slightly and keep it's flare on the sides.
I used high temp hot glue and superglue to hold it in. It's not pretty but it works. ;) Sorry for the huge pic..


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askywalker98 said:
I just glued it back on. And Jango Fettish, I shot you a PM on the 501st boards. As for getting it the right shape, you can leave it in your car on a hot summer day, or use a blow-dryer on it. It will begin to give a good amount after you hold it on it for a bit, and just shape it with your hands (mostly give it a flare. I would reccomend doing this before you cut the visor out). After you get it the shape you want, use somehting to put inside the bucket to help it maintain shape.
Thanks, I didn't even consider masking off the helmet when I was planning to cut. Good little tip there. Did you cut out that little "block" thing near the chin that's painted black to facsimilate the rest of the visor? It seems that if I cut it out, the shape of the helmet might cave in a little. I'm thinking, when I eventually start, that I might not cut it off completely and just hide it behind the new T-Visor I'm getting soon. Unless there's an alternative.

Oh and an alternative to the "hot summery day" to reshape your Rubies is to soak it in hot water. I read that off of the Bloodsportstudios.com site http://www.geocities.com/mandaloriancostuming/helmettutorial.html And then use a 9 inch...anything, inside the lower portion of the bucket to flare it out.

I'm trying to find my digital camera so I can take pics as I work. Oh, is there a thread with the colors to use for Jango's blue parts on the helmet? I'm going to search around some more.
I know theres a picture that Seeker made that has the correct colors to use. One of the colors is no logner available, but there is an alternative color. Try shooting a PM to Seeker, I'm sure he has got it lying around. And that's the site I was talking about! Excellent meathod right there! You don't HAVE to cut that part out all the way, but I think that when you put the visor in, you put it behind where those parts were, so it would be hard to have the visor infront of the peice of vinyle. Just do your painting and everything first, then cut it out and put the new visor in quickly. You may not want to do that either though because where you cut you will be able to see because you wouldn't have painted that if you cut it out and then put a visor right in. If you can find something to maintain the shape while you repaint it, you should be good to go. I hope that all makes sense!
I was told to get the helmet in the correct shape and then fiberglass it. I need to check out that bloodspotstudios site. The metal craft ring sounds like a good idea, but wouldn't that make the helmet painful to actually wear?
Jango_Fettish said:
I was told to get the helmet in the correct shape and then fiberglass it. I need to check out that bloodspotstudios site. The metal craft ring sounds like a good idea, but wouldn't that make the helmet painful to actually wear?

Been wondering about the fiberglassing. I read up on how to do it but now I'm wondering if I should either shape the helmet and just fiberglass the inside of the helmet, or if I should fiberglass the whole thing.

Personally I'm thinking that just fiberglassing the interior should be enough. Then I can bondo, color, sand, airbrush away on the exterior. The interior should hold the vinyl in place even on hot days so doing the exterior would seem redundant and possibly could create more work to do when it comes to sanding.

But that's just my guess.
I hadn't considered fiberglassing the inside. I was going to do the outside and then sand it and paint it, that would mean less bondo, but bondo might actually be easier. Or, I could just continue to do what I've been doing: puttin it on as is and chasing my cats around with my blasters. That seems the least stressful and/or traumatic... for me at least.
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