I think I found an explanation for the dent in Jango's helmet

Zurath Kodul

Active Hunter
I'm sure most (if not all) of you have seen this, but at 1 minute, 32 seconds into the video, it appears Jango falls off the set and thusly the dent is created.

Just wondering if it's new or not.

If it's in the wrong area, feel free to move it,
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Isn't there a thread somewhere that's REALLY long and we all discussed this a bit too in depth?

I think somebody posted a Star Wars bloopers video (the subject was proof that Boba had survived the Sarlacc.) From that, somebody else pointed out the episode II bloopers (which was this video.)
Interesting idea! Isn't there a thread somewhere that's REALLY long and we all discussed this a bit too in depth? That video rocks.

Yep, there was a thread like that somewhere. It somehow spiraled downhill though, with closeup pictures of Obi-Wans underwear. :lol:
Got them hard nipples poking out of your suit, you see Robin standing there... "Oh Robin, bend down and pick up those keys to the Batmobile... oh baby..."
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