i need help for chest display program

Dark Amon

Active Hunter
hi ! i build a chest display but i dont have the small program for make the turned out (sorry for my poor english) where i can find this program ?
thanks !

no answer ???
i have the electronic part but for this chest display work same of that i posted, i need the small program to command the systeme .
hey dark amon
i went to tk409's website and he had a great idea for the chest display. using a bicycle light (you can get at walmart) and ...well he explained it better than i could...so i would check him out.It was a cheap and easy solution.
yes i know this solution but i make the same systeme of the shakman's electronical chest display but i dont have the small program to active it ! i dont change of chest display because i cant found the small program for active it !
You are going to need to write a small bit of code and flash the chip with it. I think Shackman sells the pre-programmed chips for 15 bucks or so.
Buckeye_01 said:
You are going to need to write a small bit of code and flash the chip with it. .
thanks but i dont know how did i do because i m a zero in this thing ! bit of code... i have never idea what is it.... i have a great difficult to use my computeur .... :lol:
if any one can help me i m very happy !
I PM shackman but no answer ! :cry
thank you very much for your help !
I hate to sound harsh, but no one is going to just give you the code for the animation. Your best bet is to read as much as you can on assembly, build a simple programmer, buy a chip or 2, and try until you get it right. I'm not flaming or anything, but its not 'just' gonna happen for ya bro. Heck, I can't even get anyone to measure thier board for me!
Excusez-moi, mais mon français n'est pas parfait.

Mon exposition de poitrine est juste une feuille de chear de plastique avec non électrique, peut-être j'essaierai d'installer électrique plus tard.
I will eventually sit down and try to write the program, but I've been out of it for awhile, so I'm sure it would take me time to re-learn. I probably won't do it till my costume gets farther along, which will be 2012 by the rate I'm going:lol: I would try and find Shackman'm email address or something. I heard he was selling chips for like $15 or so. It's a good deal, probably worth it to me, so I don't have the spend the time to try and do it. Plus, he is getting a little $ for his time to write it.
mrgr8ness said:
I will eventually sit down and try to write the program, but I've been out of it for awhile, so I'm sure it would take me time to re-learn. I probably won't do it till my costume gets farther along, which will be 2012 by the rate I'm going:lol: I would try and find Shackman'm email address or something. I heard he was selling chips for like $15 or so. It's a good deal, probably worth it to me, so I don't have the spend the time to try and do it. Plus, he is getting a little $ for his time to write it.
thanks men !
15 US dollars ? i accept to pay that !
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