I got it finished... well almost.


Active Hunter
I got the exterior of my pack finished finally. Here's what I started with http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=17252.

I'm still not sure what to do for the harness. Thats all I really have left to do. I was thinking about fitting a metal frame from a hiking backpack into it. Has anyone tried this?

Here are some pics.

Jetpack with Thrusters 003sm.JPG

Jetpack Rocket 001sm.JPG

Jetpack Beacon 002sm.JPG

Jetpack Bottom Weathered.JPG
Thanks. I used one of those 12 volt DC hobby lights, like you use for train sets. I used an LED first but it wasn't bright enough to suit me. I got it at Radio Shack in the drawer with like the flashlight bulbs and stuff. It's running off of a 9V and 2 AA's wired in series.
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