How to permanently attach armor ?? w/ pics

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
I want my Jango armor to be permanently attached to my vest. I've already tried 100% silicone II, and it pulls off the vest. I want it to stick forever. I don't want velcro or snaps. The industrial velcro went funky on me and the adhesive started oozzing like liquid all over the place. Thanks for any help.

Have you tried Wall mart´s industrial Velcro? Seriously, I´m using it and it doesnt ozze any liquid and it add´s me at the perfection:

(it also depends of what kinda armor you are using)

Why not just a Hot Glue?
I was using the white industrial from joann's Fabric. It was sticky back, but started turning into liquid and running. Armor on vest is sintra.
Quit your griping and use line 20 snaps from Tandy. Bring your vest and armor over and I'll help you...:rolleyes

Plus you should've used the black industrial velcro from Walmart.

Oh, suit looks good!

I know what ya mean about the booze, i mean ooze, and i had the same problem. I got the industrial strength from Target because Im anti WalMart (i dont want to start any political discussions) And it did the same thing, so basicaly the next armor i make will have snaps, sweet sweet snaps of DOOM! also using industrial velcro, -black. it works very well for the body front armor. but i think its not the best idea for the back armor. always im wearing it its a little problem for the correct fit and the velcro could loose...
im thinking about snaps for my new vest. im not sure !
im also thinking for a way to wear on the vest without attaching the backarmor separately......
Gorrilla glue, it wont come off, ever. but it does exspand so less is more. Personally I used Magnets and I have never had a problem.
Quit your griping and use line 20 snaps from Tandy. Bring your vest and armor over and I'll help you...:rolleyes

Great... Ill be right over. Oh wait, is that an open invitation?

Hey JN, would heat be a problem? I Know the velco we have at work does the same thing when it gets too hot. Yeah, I know I am no help, just nosey.
it could be heat, but I keep it inside. I guess I need to give the black industrial a try, or go to Cruzer's and put on snaps :lol: The adhesive made a mess and got stick-em everywhere. :cry
I just bought a whole crap load of magnets from Lowes. Gonna give them a shot and attach them either this evening or tomorrow and see how they work.
well since I work at tandys I got all the snaps i could ever want, but can anyone tell me how you would attach the back part of the snap to the armor? I want to make sure I do this right, I don't want to mess up my beautiful batninja vest or BMs armor which will be coming in very soon.
I plan on using JB weld to attach my snaps when I get my new armor! I am also switching over to a real leather vest so I dont want velcro all over it!
Well I got some magnets and they seem to work well. I am gonna get some fabric and sew the magnets into the inner of the vest and then glue the other magnets to the armor. They work great so far. I picked these magnets up at Lowes.
O.K., I made road trip to Cruzer's today, and with his keen eye I was able to get some better looking armor. It is now officially attached with snaps. The collar piece was thrown away and a new on made. The chest plates were trimed to be Jango instead of Boba, the stomach plate was also modified. Spacing was adjusted between all the armor plates. The picture shows that the space between the collar and chest pieces are not equal. They actually are, (see 2nd pic). The only thing I can think of is that I have a moderate scoliosis in my back that lowers my left shoulder. special thanks to Cruzer for his keen eye. I also bumped the helmet up on my head alittle to expose more neck.


Compare the new shape to the old. I think I looks much better. :thumbsup:

It really made a noticeable difference! The armor looks really good, well done. Dang, if I get up near Porterville, I'm goin' to Cruzer's house. He knows what's up!

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