How to build gauntelts?


Well-Known Hunter
hey guys, ok I need help AGAIN. I got a set of Ruffkin Gauntlets right before C3 and didnt have time to put them togther. So before Episode 3 comes out in theaters I need them built and painted.

Ok, so I know Ill hafe to paint evrything a few times,and paint the missle individuly by hand.

so how does the long box (The flamethrower?) on the left gauntlet attach?

How does the barrels for it stay in place?

How should I attach the missle?

and how should the 2 halves attach?

Ive looked threw tons of post on here and cant seem to find any insite on any of this(Just like the over shirt for teh jumpsuit). So PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME in the next few days, only 16 days to go.:(
check for excellent data on how to attach the 2 halfs to ur size with velcro.

the missile... you can kit it on (like I did) but I also entered some screws later, now it's firmly attached, as for the flamethrower, the barrels need be sanded a bit (it's like a block with the 2 thingies sticking out right?) well sand the block to fit in the FT casing, then attach the under side of the FT to the casing where you should now have the 2 barrels attached to... it's really not difficult, just get some very good glue, kit or whatever.

also, I recommend screwing all resin pieces, with kit inbetween, to the shells, this way, theyll be firmly attached. (I had a ROTJ FT, but I replaced it with the ESB one) , I just kitted the entire thing (completed FT) to the upper half of the gauntlet. Ofcourse AFTER you've cut the shells 2 ur size and the velcro is attached, again...with kit or glue.

When your entirly done, glue some foam in... or what I used... simple sponges, the left gauntlet wont need this persé, because it sits tighter around ur wrist, but the right one definitly needs to be filled.
Well, as I got through the same work just recently through (see Jango 1.0 countdown ;) ), I might share the "wisdom" I won by doing that.
...just kidding. :lol:

For many questions you have (and I did too then) you should research this forum as it was a great help to me too (by the way I can't stop :thumbsup: for all you helpful TDH mandalorians out there ...uhm.. I mean, in here! You all are great!).
Anyway, here are my 2cents on your questions:

I attached my flamethrower (as it is quiet heavy) with two screws at first on the upper half of the gauntlet. Then I filled all the gaps around it (between the flamethrower and the gauntlet) with filler (bondo?) and sanded it until it finally looks like one piece.
If your flamethrower is made of resin (I'm not familiar with the Ruffkins), you should definitly drill the holes for the screws carefully and slowly starting from a small hole till the right size before screwing.

What do you mean with the barrels? The hoses? if so, just use the same way of drilling as above and screw into it a screw, that's big enough to shove the hose above it after cutting its head of ("off with their head!" ;) ).

For the missile: I screwed thatone too. just drill two small holes throught the gauntlet into it and screw it from inside the gaunt.
But glueing it, will do as well. I just wanted to be able to detache the missile anytime I wanted to.

Ah, the master question: There're many ways to do that. My opinion is to use hinges. Cut them into the right length and glue them in. After that you might add a coat of filler like bondo, to strengthen it, so it can't break off easily.
For the closing I simply used velcro. But I saw another good method here on TDH with magnets, which is certainly the more elegant way I think, but in the end there are many possibilities.

As I said, just my 2cents. Hope it was kinda helpful for you.

And one last piece of advise. Above all, don't make yourself crazy because of the timeframe till EpIII. It's all about the fun not stress.
My Jango is at most 60% finished and I'm as calm as the wind that is not blowing.... wait... did you say only 16 days? SIXTEEN? ... *giggleing madly* sixteen! hehe hehehe .... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! :wacko *jumps out of the window*
hmmm, hey wasp! (<< hes making one awesome Jango :cheers )

well the rufkin toy gauntlets flamethrower isnt made of resin, the casing is the same stuff as teh main shells (dont really know what that is, vac formed plastic I guess), only the 2 thingies that come out of the casing are resin, so its not heavy at all...

and to make it a one part construction with bondo... hmm... im no expert on Jango... but with Boba theyre not really supposed to become a one part construction, will post pics in a few mins...

and the screen used fett gauntlets were done with velcro (from what i can tell), will post pic soon where you can actually see theyre not closed on film (this happens in ESB during carbon freezing scene, an again in ROTJ just before Fett lands on the skiff, look for his hand thats in the air)
well these are some of Brak's pics (aosw exhibition) wich are ROTJ gauntlets.

hmm... they are like a one piece construction... but there is a difference in height between the FT an main shell...(treid to get closest pic)

the ESB carbon scene pic speakes for itself... (looks like white velcro, while rotj appears black).

then last is my former ESB styled ROTJ flamethrower :p redone now!!

velcro 1.jpg


not closed.jpg

left gauntlet.JPG
at first thanks again for the compliment R boba fett. :thumbsup:

Well, on the jango ft there's the same "step" between ft and gaunt but it still looks like attached without a gap, that's what I meant with "looking like one piece".

For the Velcro: I didn't know that they used Velcro on Boba for both sides. Well learned something new ...but still far far away of being any near to a fettxpert. ;)

By the way: your Boba ROTJ gaunt looks really great! Even with the old green paintjob.
Wasp said:
at first thanks again for the compliment R boba fett. :thumbsup:

Well, on the jango ft there's the same "step" between ft and gaunt but it still looks like attached without a gap, that's what I meant with "looking like one piece".

For the Velcro: I didn't know that they used Velcro on Boba for both sides. Well learned something new ...but still far far away of being any near to a fettxpert. ;)

By the way: your Boba ROTJ gaunt looks really great! Even with the old green paintjob.

:) thnx Wasp, and well... after few posts... an look ups... ur well on ur way to ebcome a fett expert... I'd like to think I'm becoming sort of one... I mean, I knoq quite alot now, thnx to this amazing forum!!!

ow and the paint job remained the same, just tore off the FT (still got it) an replaced with a heavily modified ESB one from rufkintoy, was kind of a week construction, so I replaced the base of the thing by 2 wooden dowels, now it's wuite durable.

Was fun to do, bad side was I had to hand mix the green colour .... again, because the ROTJ FT was kitted on, it toke some of the paint off an left "kit marks" on the shell. So had to sand the entire side, repaint it (wich was quite a pain an didn't work out 100% ok, because the rest of my green is sprayed on and misted with alot of black... hmm... I'm going to make pics next thursday, if yar interested, keep an eye out in the sarlac pit!! (still need that bloody rifle scope though, ordered on 11th of april, was payed 11th of april, was send 16th of april and still isn't here! My jet pack was packed in a box big enough to bury me in when im dead, an that came here from the states in just one or 2 weeks...:( maybe because the scope isn't a starwars part... its just a real rifle scope... next time, whatever it is... ill order it from a TDH member... trust worthy lads an gals)
nope, I did change the paint job on the missile... ESB one is just gold, black, alu-ring, black, alu, no keypad, en dental expander (is gold in ESB)
course I'm interested. Always like progress pics (kinda obsessed with those ;) ).
Perhaps the scope get stuck at the customs office? You know right now while seeing terrorists at every corner, they might be a little bit sensitive when they discover a real rifles scope. Who knows, perhaps they already observe you as being a possible assassin? :lol:

From where did you get your jet pack?
I like the idea of "Buy one jet pack - get one coffin free!".
Might be coming handy... who knows? (me definitly not :wacko )
I wanna put my kit together.. to be ESB but eh.. it dont have all the pieces.. lol.. 4 clamshells a dental exp. missle.. keypad.... and i think thats about it for the pieces... gimme some input on what to use for the rest/ how to assemble with "spare" replacement parts and such, paint job will be worried about later.
Wasp said:
From where did you get your jet pack?
I like the idea of "Buy one jet pack - get one coffin free!".
Might be coming handy... who knows? (me definitly not :wacko )

I bought (without knowing it, an I still feel kind abad about it, but back then, GA was still recommended at TK-409's site, not to blame TK-409, he didnt know then what we all know now...) I bought a shameless recast from GA, wich was recasted from a MB jet pack.

I contacted Bradley Fett to say I was sorry for buying a recast of his jet pack, but that I honestly didn't know. He said it was absolutly no problem. Even in the code of conduct theres no penalty for buying recasts... I still feel bad about it though...

But, it is... an im afraid to say it.. a good jet pack, lightweight, vac vormed...its really good... not as good as an MLC though... thats the bomb!!

so If you want a good jet pack, maybe you should contact bradley Fett, for my recast was 277 euros , shipping inc... I believe an MLC is a little over 300 euros...

ow and for the ESB flamethrower... look for pics, good pics, I think it's possible to make it entirly out of wood, there are some damn good blue prints on TDH.

and myn are now officially ESB styled, with only the custom weathering thats still a nail to me coffin... yeah the one I got with the jet pack :lol:
Yeah, those MLC packs are really great!
but at the moment out of my budget. :cry

Also, I've still got that plans for a convertable jet pack in mind...

...uh my, I have a whole collection of coffin nails since I started with my work...
:D LOL, same here though.. but I wouldnt worry bout it to much, cause I also know that all those things I find horrible on my suit or noticed only by me, and some TDH members..

so point is, no-one will notice one or 2 tiny things that dont figure... like my jango ammo belt.. doesn't really look wrong or anythin...

so im guessing not much people will notice one or 2 things that are a bit different from the original on ur costume :D
Ok, so Im going to super glue the 2 things on the right gauntlet, Im going to super glue the keypad, and the missle on the left gauntlet, but HOW DO I ATTACH THE FLAMETHROWER on the left gauntlet?!
jodo said:
Ok, so Im going to super glue the 2 things on the right gauntlet, Im going to super glue the keypad, and the missle on the left gauntlet, but HOW DO I ATTACH THE FLAMETHROWER on the left gauntlet?!

:D dude chill!
just superglue it to the UPPER half of the left gauntlet, and look for pics for reference on where it must go.
jodo said:
Ok, so Im going to super glue the 2 things on the right gauntlet, Im going to super glue the keypad, and the missle on the left gauntlet, but HOW DO I ATTACH THE FLAMETHROWER on the left gauntlet?!

If yours is vac'd use sheet metal screws. That is what I did. This makes the gaunt upgradable.
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