How much do I weather the ESB gauntlets?


Well-Known Hunter
I'm painting a set of chuck's (ruffkintoy) gauntlets from Empire Strikes Back, but don't know how much weathering to do.
Are they as scratched as the ROTJ ones that I did? Or less?

IMO, the ESB gauntlets don't looked all chipped up like the ROTJ ones. I ended up painting mine a solid color, then dry-brusing with silver on the high spots, and then black wash.

But that's just me...:)
I dont think its near as weathered and to me on the ESB gauntlets the paint looks more scraped than it does chipped.
cal196 said:
I dont think its near as weathered and to me on the ESB gauntlets the paint looks more scraped than it does chipped.

I still need to mist some black, but wanted to know how it looked so far
How's this?

gaunt esb.JPG
That's pretty good. There are a few silver spots, but the majority looks to be black grime. As mentioned, a black wash does the trick, along with a few black bits here and there.
Here are some of the better photos that show what I mean:





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Forced Trekker said:
The main body of the whipcord attachment should have a base color of black.

Yes, I know.
Iwas just doing a little scratching before I finished the paintjob.
That way, If I have to repaint it (which I do , thanks to Jango Jr) I won't have to redo the details.
Forced Trekker said:
The main body of the whipcord attachment should have a base color of black.

:confused Could you please point out on the pics what you also see green too right?


EDIT: :lol: I'm an idiot....I thought you meant the hose attachment:lol:'s black like Trekker said....and I used some thin aluminum (I got the metal bug) to make the "white" peices on my whipcord housing....looks much better than painting on the details IMHO.
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<--- this photo
Some people may paint on the white details, but I cut them out of very thin styrene and glued them on.
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I could use good placing pictures for the whip cord box and flame thrower and all the add ons to the guantlets, to get mine to fit, i have to modify them a little.. like the whip box, it wont fit on the top clamshell and if i put it in the middle it wont open.. so iama have to like trim the clam down and put it on the bottom to compensate.... i could use some more pics or descriptions of where things go.
DL44 Blaster said:
....and I used some thin aluminum (I got the metal bug) to make the "white" peices on my whipcord housing....looks much better than painting on the details IMHO.

That's exctly what I used. I thought that it looks white in the photos, but it could just be the reflection on the metal. I like using metal on my props as well. Gives them a more solid feel.
Forced Trekker said:
That's exctly what I used. I thought that it looks white in the photos, but it could just be the reflection on the metal. I like using metal on my props as well. Gives them a more solid feel.

Oh..You might have misunderstood my post. I used metal,but painted it a textured white...I'm a freak,I know...just love the metal thing:o
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