How many lines are there on the shoulders of the vest?

Jangos kid

Well-Known Hunter
Hey all, I'm busy working on my new ESB flak vest, & I was just wondering if anyone knew how many lines run down the shoulder caps! I really can't tell from the pics because the shoulder bell covers most of the sleeve cap. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
Thanx alot,

::Edit:: title change only
Im A scout trooper and it looks to be the exact vest used under scout armor as fett and Im pretty sure it has 15 ribs. If that helps.
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When I built my vest, I scrutinized as many of the ref pics as possible, looking for an exact number. I came to 14.

That's 14 stitch lines, btw. I could be wrong.
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Is 14 in each side, or total including the right and left side? Sounds like a lot of lines! :D

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Hey, thanx for all the help guys! Really appreciate it! :) I had to make my cap a bit bigger, but 14 looks just right! Thanx again!
Last edited by a moderator: you've got me doubting myself. Can't recollect if it was 14 lines or 14 rows......I'll get back to this tonight. Don't want you to get the wrong count because of me.

I'll come back and edit with my final count on this thread, kid.
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I counted them last year and I'm pretty sure there's 14 also, and yes DV1, 14 on each shoulder. :)
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Ok, here's the official count from my vest. There are 13 rows of stitching, which means there are 14 rows of,... well,... rows. I took this info from the ref pics.
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Oh man!!! Thanx again for all your input guys! Don't know why I couln't figure this out for myself? College finals is turning my brain to jelly! :lol: Do you think anyone will notice if I have thirteen rows instead of 14 :lol: OK, I know the fett-heads at TDH will! :lol: 13 rows of stitchin it is; errr 14 total stripes? :lol: !Thankyou everyone!
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I hate to correct myself unless I think I'm mistaken, and in this case, I may be.

Initially, I came up with fourteen sections per shoulder. This was by counting the sections although some of them are obstructed by the shoulder bells. If there are fourteen sections, then they would be 5/8" apart from each other with the two triangular ends being just a bit bigger.

Using this pic, you can easily count ten sections which stop right around the center of the shoulder bell. I duplicated this with a paper model coming up with a space between the stitching of 7/16". If this is correct, then there would be twenty sections per shoulder, not fourteen. :eek:

Shoulder stitching 1.jpg

I thought that sounded like too many, so I checked a few more pics trying to make scale references. The result, using the pic below, is also 7/16" sections.
Shoulder stitching 2.jpg

So which is right: 14 @ 5/8", 20 @ 7/16", or possibly somewhere in between? I'd like to get a few more opinions on this.
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I can't find my ref CD here at home but . . . what is the possibility of it being a different vest on ESB than it was on the ROTJ suits?

Because I must admit, at one point I remember counting 14 as well, but, that definitely looks like more on the pics you posted BF.

Enough other things have changed between suits, what are the odds that the vest did too?

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BobaFettish wrote:

...If this is correct, then there would be twenty sections per shoulder, not fourteen. :eek:

:eek:GOOD LORD!!! TWENTY???:eek: That's a lot of lines! In my opinion, I'd go with 14, to be easier for my seamdresser to do them.

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I would have to say there are more than 14.

If you look at the pic the Bantha skull is centered on shoulder armor and count stitching to the left its about
10, also there is a small stitch on the inner arm pit.

fpoato wrote:

I would have to say there are more than 14.

If you look at the pic the Bantha skull is centered on shoulder armor and count stitching to the left its about
10, also there is a small stitch on the inner arm pit.

Well, I guess that I have to look again in the Ref. CD one more time before it's too late to finish my whole costume.

I might be mistaken, but wasn't there a behind the scenes photo from the SE that showed the actor without the shoulder bell? I'm not sure if it's close enough to tell, Might be worth a look.
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