Hope no one thinks I have been in a hole

Rogue Studios

Active Hunter
Well a 2 year old paint list and some new information and finally working on my own personal stuff...I hope no one thinks I was asleep.

Keep an eye out for some goodies soon...

Rogue Studios said:
Well a 2 year old paint list and some new information and finally working on my own personal stuff...I hope no one thinks I was asleep.

Keep an eye out for some goodies soon...


A Hole ??..Please explain.??.......

Ya Big tease....:lol: J/K
Can't wait to see what you got instore for us....:thumbsup:
Wait who are we talking about again? J/K good to see you back on the boards again Lee. Can't wait to see what you are working on.
Well not trying to showboat or anything but thanks for the positive support. Lots of stuff going on I'll share as soon as I get stuff completed or in progress we'll see. I realize it may seem the paint list etc. is inferior or errored and I never claimed it to be perfect but I wanted to offer the purist the prime list. As a matter of fact I hope folks weren't so presumptious to believe I posted that list and hung it up. I have spoken with Joe Johnston and the other person who painted most of the helmets and finished the suits. I take their word as final word not mine so if you disagree that is fine people need a cost effective alternative and since it took me two more years to track down the last of the colors we'll see how it turns out :).

The Sage Green hmmm I don't know who actually found that one but I give them kudos. LOL.
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DL44 Blaster said:
Sounds like I might be doing a repaint of my armor....that is if there's any new ESB info. coming out:D


Me too, and possibly my gauntlets as well. Look forward to hearing about your new discoveries Lee!! Glad your aren't hiding in a hole anymore:lol: Hey wait, Isn't groundhog day coming up?? Oh yeah, that was last week....Guess you must not have seen your shadow;) :lol:
No wait on the ESB color for the gauntlets or JP...try RLM62. Again that comes with my disclaimer but again as long as you didn't get it at Wal-mart you are on the right track.

That's the RLM 62 that Lee suggested for the gauntlets and jet pack. I haven't tried it out, but I have some here and I like how it looks compared to the Panzer Olivegrun. If it matters, I'll toss my vote towards that colour as the best candidate.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
That's the RLM 62 that Lee suggested for the gauntlets and jet pack. I haven't tried it out, but I have some here and I like how it looks compared to the Panzer Olivegrun. If it matters, I'll toss my vote towards that colour as the best candidate.

Ditto from me
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