Honest Opinions Please


Active Hunter
I've seen so many different ways of painting the bucket. Of course, looking at mine and the pics, I believe I just went with some weird hybrid between the two:



this will be repainted and i am using vinyl decals on it


the back is a work in progress



So, would this be considered a hybrid or do i need to re-re-repaint it again? I also need to put in the visor. The bucket is a DP96.
I think you may need to re-paint it.
Silver and blue aughta do nicely. And while you're at it, you may as well fill in that nasty dent. :)
looks way too bright dude

i dunno if repainting is the go, maybe devise some kinda way of weathering it some more...

wait for more opinions until you make a choice

either way dude most people would see and go cool boba...its only really the hardcores like us in here that give two tosses
I would recommend a blackwash on the back to tone it down a bit and then (literally) kick it around the yard and driveway a bit. Scuff it. Scratch it. Give it a few gouges. It has a very freshly painted look right now. Beat it up some. Throw some dirt at it and grind it in a bit then wipe it all off. It will give the helemt a lot of character.

lol jk. i would strip the paint on it and try and reshape it
I can suggest towo things... (and these are my personal oppinions. And based on the pictures. in real life. things might not be as bad..)

1. The keyslot area in the back seems to be needing som work. I can't really tell from the pictures but it looks like you tried to spray paint it with out masking the rest of the helmet. If this is the case then i would re-do it if i was you. Just so you are consistent since all the other colors have pretty straight edges.

2. The battle damage around the dent appears to have a black line around them. Is this on purpose? i can understand why...(schorching and so forth) but it makes the metalic stand out too much. The contrast is to high. If you could some how dull it down abit.. say through a black-wash and bring down the contrast then it would look a whole lot better.

This is, however, my personal opnion and is just a suggestion. Other than that i think it looks good.
For more weathering options, don't underestimate the use of pastels...but watch out for fingerprints! I use pastel shavings or charcoal stick shavings with a small dry brush to spread the "weathering" around on some applications. Depending on the details, it may prove easier than a black wash.
when using charcoal or pastels to weather the helmet do you guys spray a clear coat over the helmet to keep the stuff on?
judz dwedd said:
I think you may need to re-paint it.
Silver and blue aughta do nicely. And while you're at it, you may as well fill in that nasty dent. :)

I will. As soon as I get my DP 95, I will turn this DP 96 into a Jango.
Post pics when you make your alterations!

Also post a comparison pic of the 95 and 96, I'd like to see if there is that much of a size difference!
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No offense, but I dont like it. It looks to perky or something....and the kill mark look a bit odd, as well a sthe vents in the back, they look like play dough.
jodo said:
No offense, but I dont like it. It looks to perky or something....and the kill mark look a bit odd, as well a sthe vents in the back, they look like play dough.

None taken. I did most of that in a day or so. I never liked the back either. Not play-dough, however. I screwed up cutting the vents out and ended up with a square where three of the vents had been, so I cut up a NIC card and glued it inside to fill in the square (like the MQ-1, but all wrong).

The kill mark somehow ended up being embedded into the paint (you could feel the edges). So, the other night I repainted it. Of course, I grabbed the wrong paint for the back. I grabbed the rubber coating paint, instead of the regular and completely killed the back of the helmet (color wise). So, I bought the DP95 and will take it from there.

Also, I am using spray paints. I dont have access to an airbrush machine and cant afford to pay upwards of 400 bucks to have it painted.
I'd grab some boba ref cd, redo paint it with the right green en red colours to whatever you prefer (ESB or ROTJ) and then look very closly, paint all silver scratches, blushes and dots from good ref material, then black mist it, and redo all the silver scratches again.
Well, it dont matter now. I was cleaning the layers and layers of paint off the back and it dawned on me, of course too late, that when I bought this on ebay, the lady i bought it from neglected to informe me that it had been broken and glued back into place. I forgot this and was applying pressure ...




Sigh. Well, the good news is I did just buy that DP95. So, I will have a backup soon. Guess I could got get some JB Weld and fix it for my kid.

"I'll glue it back together in the morning ..." - Jordy Verell, Creepshow
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