Hi I am Stormrider


Well-Known Hunter
Just letting people know, that I am back. And introducing myself to anyone that wasn't here when I lost my wife to cancer, moved, hurt my shoulder. Hurt my neck, recovered and am not back working in my shop.

I have been making fett items for almost 15 years and look forward to pushing the envelope again.

I figured this would be the best way to say hello, and I missed all of you.

3 times with my blaster.
Welcome back man, it’s been a long time. I miss using sellbuddy, that program was good.
Thanks all. I have some new things ive been working on, ways to make things better than before. And I hurt my neck a few months back so sports are now out. So I am really looking forward to catching up. Thanks for the kind words. I hope get back in the swing of things.

Is there a discord server?
Just letting people know, that I am back. And introducing myself to anyone that wasn't here when I lost my wife to cancer, moved, hurt my shoulder. Hurt my neck, recovered and am not back working in my shop.

I have been making fett items for almost 15 years and look forward to pushing the envelope again.

I figured this would be the best way to say hello, and I missed all of you.

3 times with my blaster.
Are you still making the Han Solo in Carbonite molds?
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