Hello from Hoth--uh, I mean Alaska.

Robert Fettler

New Hunter
Greetings fellers,

New to the community, but been interested in making a Fett outfit since I was a kid. Yay the perks of being an adult with money!

I've been enjoying browsing through posts and seeing all the awesome work everyone does here! I am having difficulty finding a good database breaking down each component of the suit individually and talking about the original parts used and similar things like that. Would any of you kindly point me in the right direction, be it a website or thread on here?

Still learning how to navigate the site, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious!
Welcome to the hunt.

Not sure which version you were interested in. This is a start. Other CRLs are there on their website as well.
Thank you so much! I'm debating which one to do. I'm leaning more towards ROTJ because I like the mix of colors. Are there any reasons one may choose one version over the other aside from aesthetic preference?
Greetings fellers,

New to the community, but been interested in making a Fett outfit since I was a kid. Yay the perks of being an adult with money!

I've been enjoying browsing through posts and seeing all the awesome work everyone does here! I am having difficulty finding a good database breaking down each component of the suit individually and talking about the original parts used and similar things like that. Would any of you kindly point me in the right direction, be it a website or thread on here?

Still learning how to navigate the site, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious!
Enjoy being an adult that HAD money! LOL. Welcome to the hunt and Shortfuse pointed you to the best place to get your accurate detail about the suit. Good luck!
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