Help, trying to reach BradleyFett


Active Hunter
Hey gang,

I need some help getting in touch with Bradleyfett. I purchased a fett collar armor piece from him back in the middle of January and havent heard from him since then. I paypaled him, he said he received it and was going to ship it out in a day or two after. It have not since arrived.

I have pm'ed him and emailed but havent heard from him, and I am hoping everything is ok.

If anyone knows how to reach him, please pm me. I appreciate the help.

I'd keep trying email if you really want to get a response....although he always comes through:thumbsup: Just probably bogged down in propdom.

He has been a stand up guy with everything I have dealt with him on in the past. I am sure he will, I appreciate the heads up gentlemen.
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