Helmet Stripes

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Migrate from As You Wish

Originally posted by TK0000:

For the ESB helmet, are there 14 yellow stripes?
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Originally posted by TK0000:

The stripes are yellow starting out in the front and slowly start hinting a bit of orange toward the rear. Is this correct?
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Originally posted by SITHcamaro:

It stripes on my helmet are orange on the back and fade to yellow on the front. My guess is that they were originally orange, and as he got beat up, and paint faded, the front ones lost their orange tint and ended up fading to yellow!
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What exaclty are the yellow stripes on the side of his helmet? I counted 14 of them.
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Some sort of kill marks or capture.....Like a pilot or footbal player wears for kills in combat or for the football player "big" hits in a game interceptions, touchdowns. You get the picture.
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Ocre stripes, no confirmed or definitive meaning, but I like the kill mark idea. There are 14 yellow ones on the ESB helmet and 18 reddish-orange ones on the RotJ helmet.
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Well Paid Killer wrote:

Cool idea but I would like to think those numbers would be much higher than that for kills and or captures!

Exactly what I was thinking, no way Fetts got only 14-18 kills thats a small number. Maybe for every MAJOR kill/capture he has made. That would make a little more sense.
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Sure. That would make more sense. I'll paraphrase John Wesley Hardin, a gunslinger from the old west; "I've killed over forty men, not counting Wookies or Tuskens." Just like the "good hits" of a football player, I think only the worthiest victories would be displayed on the helmet to avoid covering it with every little accomplishment.
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Right, that makes sense. And, it also makes sense that ROTJ would have more of these kills than mere ESB. Another reason ROTJ owns.:lol:
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hmmm of course if that was the case how could Fett get 4 extra BIG ones in between ESB and ROTJ if it took him an entire life to get 14 then I am going to bet it won't be easy for him to get 4 in that short time.
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What are the dimensions of each ESB stripe? Also, is there an agreed color for them?


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Hey Sarge,
I'm not sure of the size, but the colors go from yellow in the front and mist to orange in the back.
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Maybe the stripes are the number of Jedi Kills he has taken in his life. We all know Boba has a major hatered for the group of people who killed his father... Just my Thought... Besides it took Boba almost 6 months to get from Cloud City to Jabba because of the other hunters after him and the Rebles after solo... He could have bagged a few more jedi in that time... Even Failed Padawans would be target...

Just my two cents on the stripes
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*THUD* That was the sound of me walking right into the best answer to this yet. Hit us right in the face with that Jedi-hashmark thing, dude. I vote we go with this one.
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