Helmet questions


Hey guys.

I'm wondering a couple of things about helmets.

Do any of you wear glasses under your helmet? I'm blind as a bat without mine and wondering if I'm going to finally have to get contacts if I want to be a mando.

Second, i've heard of some helmets referred to as 'movie size' - what does that mean? Is that larger or smaller than whatever other sizes are out there? I always assumed these things were one size fits all.

How big a head can fit into one of these things?

Finally, if anyone could help me with some information on how to locate a decent quality (starter) helmet that is not a rubies, I would appreciate a PM.

for the glasses question...valcar velcroed some lenses to the inside of his glasses against the lens...which i thought was a pretty neat idea, hed beable to give you some detail on that...

movie size is exactly that...movie size...some prop makers make bigger helmets and some make smaller...i believe boba makers are movie size, and sgt fangs are a little bit bigger....to fit your head into one, most people put either foam along the helmet liner area for a comfortable fit, or you could use a baseball helmet liner...or any kind of helmet liner really and just kind of tape/glue it in where its most comfortable to use
Hey guys.

I'm wondering a couple of things about helmets.

Do any of you wear glasses under your helmet? I'm blind as a bat without mine and wondering if I'm going to finally have to get contacts if I want to be a mando.

Second, i've heard of some helmets referred to as 'movie size' - what does that mean? Is that larger or smaller than whatever other sizes are out there? I always assumed these things were one size fits all.

How big a head can fit into one of these things?

Finally, if anyone could help me with some information on how to locate a decent quality (starter) helmet that is not a rubies, I would appreciate a PM.


Hi there Jedibrain, this was the way I got around the glass's issue.. They work very well....

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