The helmet is probably going to be the toughest thing to secure - I started with what I thought would be the toughest to finish, the skirt, and now I'm anxious to move on. We have two kids birthdays within 10 days of each other, once those are done, I can get back to my Zam! I'm using a white scuba knit neoprene that I found on Amazon, and dyeing it using the newer Rit Synthetic dyes (combo of royal purple and orange). I'm hoping to do that this Sunday, and will be updating my thread with those results. I did a test run of sewing this fabric on the pants, and I was very pleased with how they turned out. JDFett is still doing runs of the greeblies when he gets enough on the list. Be sure to reach out to local garrison members - you never know how they will be able to help. I found a local who bought second-hand a Zam build (not put together, just boxes of pieces), and she is sharing what she happened to have duplicates of, and it's giving me hands-on with the other pieces to help find them. Good luck!