Helmet and Glasses


Well-Known Hunter
This is to all Fett's. What do you do about your glasses? I can ware mine with my 96 DP because it flex's. I can't ware my fiberglass one from Skybro. :( I can't get my eyes fixed for about another year. Anybody else in this boat?
Ya, i am, but i have been wearing contacts for many years. Have you tried contacts? I can also get my FG helmet on with my glasses as well.
I don't use glasses, but I believe that glasses won't help wearing under the helmet...they're gonna be a hassle under the helmet, when you take off your helmet or when you put it on.

Regardless, it will be even more difficult trying to look thru the visor, based on the fact that you have limited visibitily (or points of view in this case) if you use glasses, even though I have problems trying to look thru the visor, and I have to get really close to it to have a better field of view. And I'm not even talking about wearing the helmet while in low-light environments.

Yep, contacts here too. However, in the field, we aren't allowed to wear contacts. The main reason is gas. If we get CS gas in our eyes and we have contacts on, it can permanantly damage us. Check this link here... scroll down to the combat glasses. They are designed to be worn under our pro masks (gas masks) and the description also says scuba masks. You can just carry your regualar glasses in a pouch or something and just wear these under your helmet.

hahaha...go to the doctor's and a get a prescription visor.

The only thing i can suggest is the sports goggles worn by athlethes, although they are kinda rare now because people wear contacts.

Thats interesting about the contacts not being allowed in the field. The glasses you speak of are prob the best for this occasion.
i have 95DP and i wear glasses.seems like the sides of the frame touch the inside of my helmet.i cant wear contacts anymore so im just going to have to manage.

Boba Freekk wrote:

i have 95DP and i wear glasses.seems like the sides of the frame touch the inside of my helmet.i cant wear contacts anymore so im just going to have to manage.

Geeez, I must have a big melon... :lol: My nose was almost mashed tight in the visor of my 95DP and glasses were totaly out the question.

My MSH bucket isn't much better, it has "alittle" more room, but glasses are still totaly out of the question.
I had a GT trooper bucket and glasses inside that were even questionable for me.....

Maybe a prescription T-Visor...? Any eye glass makers think it could be possible? I know they have prescription sunglasses so the tint wont be a problem, just the huge and weird shape...Just a thought.
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