Hasbro Clone Helmet Conversion

Seamless, well almost :lol:


this is awesome! I've started mine but I've never used bondo before and I'm afraid of doing it wrong and destroying the helmet. any tips for first time bondo users?
this is awesome! I've started mine but I've never used bondo before and I'm afraid of doing it wrong and destroying the helmet. any tips for first time bondo users?

For $30... if you screw it up, oh well. That's what makes the "mass-produced" part of this so nice.
Alright I havent posted here because I am shocked at how good you made a $30 helmet look. I liked your progress so much that I went ahead and bought my own. It seems pretty easy because all there is to it is to fill the seams and either buy a new visor or modify the current one.
Looks like regular old bondo body filler. There are more fillers out there however, and you can even make your own body filler with resin and talc.
I'm using Isopon p38 as you cant get Bondo over here in the UK, advice would be prep the area you are going to apply to the filler to, it needs sanding i.e. it wont take to a shiny or painted surface very well, also mix it in very small quantities otherwise it hardens whilst your applying it, and USE IN A VENTILATED AREA!!! This stuff stinks and its harmful so be careful (y) make sure you wash any off your hands if you get it on there
Very nice! I like the attention to detail and what you've done so far to make your mods.

I did one similar based on the Obi-Wan Kenobi figure helmet (that was never seen in the movie:angry:angry:angry) but I still think it turned out okay. My son loves it. You can read about it here in my blog.

I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of it. I may just have to follow your lead and invest another $30 to mod another bucket.:)

Nicely done!

Well, I hoped to get more done on this over the weekend but alas all I've done is tidy up all the horrible large seams on the back quarters of the helmet, I have put a red line on the picture to illustrate the real pain in the backside areas, I do intend to make a copy of this helmet now as was mentioned in a previous post, if I were to end up wearing this as part of a costume it would weigh a ton, therefore I will tidy it up as best I can and then consider getting a copy made, its nice to see other people tackling the same project (y)

This is coming out fantastic! I love watching the progress on these Hasbro helmets. I plan on doing the same exact thing to one.
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