Gotta love the mail lady!

Buckeye 01

Active Hunter
Check out what came today! I am sooooooo friggin stoked! This was the last big part I was waiting on, so now I can get my mock up done, paint, and suit up baby! This is a fantastic set of BM armor. The left knee was busted out of the box, but Darren said he will wip one up and send it to me asap. If anyone is thinking about buying BM armor, do it! You will not be disappointed. This is really fine armor. I can't wait to get started. Enjoy!


I have some stuff from BM on the way very soon too! I had a great mail day as well, I had German Fett's ESB blaster kit arrived with all the goodies and a New JM v.3 clone bucket arrive at the same time! :thumbsup:

CMAnavy said:
I have some stuff from BM on the way very soon too! I had a great mail day as well, I had German Fett's ESB blaster kit arrived with all the goodies and a New JM v.3 clone bucket arrive at the same time! :thumbsup:


Hot damn! Now that was a good day! How does that JM look? My next purchase will be Hippo's 212th.
It's pretty large actually (god knows I need large armor :lol:) If you print out Evans paint templates this will give you an idea of how big the parts are as they are sized for Darren's armor. They have a great contour to them, and they fit really well. I am about to start a new thread on my progress. My collar, diamond (hard as hell to paint :lol:), and right chest are done. Stay tuned brothers and sisters!
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