Jedi Bob

Well-Known Hunter
OK, this question goes out to all of you that swear by GOOP.

I go to the Home Depot to get some of this miracle adhesive/sealer, and am staring at: PLUMBERS GOOP, CARPENTERS GOOP, CRAFTERS GOOP, ETC.

Which one is the best for our needs???
First i got the crafters goop (or whatever the purple one is) to attach my armor to my vest. I then switched to the plumbers to piece together my rifle kit (thanks to Spidey!). I love goop....i think i'll marry it...
I heard that they are all exactly the same, just different names so they can charge different prices. ^_^
I was being a smart A$$. I was playing on the Plumber's crack joke.

I think they are basically the same. Check out their website, I think they list what materials each product will work on. I am sure that since plumbers use PVC products that the Plumber's Goop should work.
Plumbers Goop will work FINE. In fact, that's the only type of Goop I have ever used on my armor parts specifically because it's designed (so they say) to work on PVC and other plastics, as well as metal. :D
I work for Home Depot and I talked to the GOOP sales rep and they are all the same. I think the only different one is the Marine goop.
I just realized that Plumbers GOOP is flexible (to a degree) so I plan on using it to seal the outside of my gauntlets to allow a little flex to squeeze me arm in.
I didn't really want to make a new thread, so I just bumped this one:

Is GOOP the adhesive of choice for everyone, or are there any other adhesives that work just as good? I've heard about people using epoxy, superglue, and the like. Are some adhesives better for certain jobs than others?

I'm not really looking to go into cosmic adhesive theory here, I'm just curious about what adhesive I should use for my entire costume (ie. gauntlets, rifle, knee darts, helmet, etc).

Don't ever mix hot glue and Goop!! It eats through plastic!! If you apply Goop and then decide you want to reinforce it with hot glue before the Goop cures, you could end up with a hole in your styrene or at least very soft styrene.
I have been using this stuff called Zap A Gap lately. It is basically super glue but in a bigger and more manageable bottle. You can get it at Michaels when they have it in stock.
So if I wanted to use an adhesive for construction of my jet pack which is going to be made mostly from sintra, would plumbers goop be the way to go. There are a lot of corners and edges in the design of the Jet Pack, and I want it to be sturdy. I'm a little weary of the fact that it has some give to it. Is there something better suited for this particular application?
This thread is more than 21 years old.

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