glass fiber gauntlets


New Hunter
I have bought some glass fiber gauntlets off ebay, i was just wondering what type of hinges i need for them, are they easily bought off the shelf hinges or specialist hinges.Ive looked at dolls house hinges but they seem a little bit weak.
please help.
Don't know about the accuracy types, but i used 1 1/4" piano hinges. you'll need to cut them with a cutoff tool of some sort, like a dremel or metal cutting wheel. I got my at Orchard hardware. I'm sure you could find them at Home Depot or Lowes. Cost a couple bucks. I used pop rivets to install them.

If you don't want the joint, and your hands are small enough you could permanently close them and slip them on. I'm not able to that.
my hands arent on the small side ( no funny remarks thanks)
piano hinges eh!?
i know where theres a few pianos being scrapped,looks like ill have to go visit someone in the morning,when you say pop rivets i take it you mean the aluminium rivets that are pulled on the rivet gun.
it would probably be easier to get them new. I used 3/16" aluminum pop rivets. put the the tip in the gun and squeeze till it breaks off. I'll send you a private message.
thewatcher said:
piano hinges eh!? i know where theres a few pianos being scrapped,looks like ill have to go visit someone in the morning,when you say pop rivets i take it you mean the aluminium rivets that are pulled on the rivet gun.

When he says piano hinges he means a long continuous hinge. You can get them at most hardware stores and don't need to find a scrapped piano. :lol:

Yes, the pop rivets, mentioned, are the type installed with a rivet gun.
Another place to find continuous hinges are in heavy duty 3 ring binders. At work before an audit we have these "let's clean up the office" purges and these things get thrown out but the truck load. The price is right, just drill out the rivets and they are ready to go.

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