Gauntlets and magnets oh my !

Okay, if you're attaching the flamethrower and it's not a meticulous Fett, try mangets. See photos. This worked great with superglue.

In fact, if I'd thought of it earlier, I'd have done it for the gauntlet missile too.

gaunts 1.jpg

Gaubnts 2.jpg
I used magnet too. I put them on the inside though. Several very stong magnets epoxied inside holds it closed pretty well. Though I also added velcro inside the gauntlets and on the sleeves just in case...

Pretty clever putting them on the flamethrower :thumbsup:
Thanks Brian--thanks an important consideration. This costume is just for my son's halloween, so I had not thought of that.

:::where's the superglue:::
i'd be nervouse about someone pulling it off. we get people yanking on our costumes all the time. that's why i never have the hoses in my gauntlet...
Ditto, I have the gauntlet hose on my ESB just for the canon factor, but when I troop, I don't wear it. I've even thought about buying a ROTJ flame thrower because it's less complicated than the ESB, therefore children won't be touchy with it.
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