Gauntlet Upgrade W.I.P.

Lookin' good! The only thing that jumps out to me is the middle "button" on the top. It looks a little big and should be rounded on the top. Excellent job!
looking good bro... one trick you can do is take shots in the exact same angle and then lay it over the ref photo in photoshop to highlight the problem areas.
looking good bro... one trick you can do is take shots in the exact same angle and then lay it over the ref photo in photoshop to highlight the problem areas.

Sorry don't have photoshop :(
Would love to do that, it's a common practice, but I'd need help to do so :facepalm

BOBA PHAT Lookin' good! The only thing that jumps out to me is the middle "button" on the top. It looks a little big and should be rounded on the top. Excellent job!

Saw this as well - the pic is not up to date and the button was softened more and thinned out. :)
Sorry PGH, I'm a little out of the loop. Are you sculpting/upgrading gauntlets you bought from someone else, or are you sculpting/upgrading your own creation to make sets from? Your work looks great.

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